Conferences 2013

Third Annual CInSt Banking Workshop 'Banking in Emerging Markets: Challenges and Opportunities'

November 15, 2013, Moscow
The Workshop is aimed at bringing together scholars involved with various aspects of banking in emerging markets, including but not limited to those of Central and Eastern Europe, CIS countries, Latin America and China.

3rd International Annual Conference of the LCSR: 'Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective

November 12–17, 2013, Moscow
The conference aims at developing empirical quantitative comparative (cross-country and cross-regional) studies in social science.

3rd Moscow International Conference on Financial Economics

November 8-9, 2013, Moscow

International Conference ‘Low Fertility and Low Mortality: Observable Reality and Visions of the Future’

October 30 - November 1, 2013, Moscow
The event will be dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Institute of Demography. Leading Russian and international demographers will speak at the conference.

International Scientific and Practice Conference 'Business. Society. Human'

October 30-31, 2013, Moscow
The purpose of the conference is interdisciplinary analysis of actual problems of studying business in the social sciences: the relationship between business and society; social capital and trust; business and corporate culture; individual, group, and organization in business, problems and prospects of business education and business consulting, and other issues.

International Research Conference 'Foresight and STI Policy'

October 30-31, 2013, Moscow
This Conference aims to examine how Foresight might be advanced so that it is better able to contribute to policy-makers' search for Great Responses to the many Grand Challenges that confront contemporary societies.
6th Annual Conference 'Contemporary Problems in Management: Exploring the Boundaries'October 22-24, 2013, Moscow
The goal of the conference is to further encourage scientific research on management problems by bringing together scholars working in the field, and to maximize the amount and level of interaction among researchers at all stages of their career. All types of research approaches are welcome.Social and Human Sciences on Both Sides of the ‘Iron Curtain’

October 17-18, 2013, Moscow
This international conference is intended to put together research findings on the history of social and human sciences in the capitalist West and the socialist East during the second half of the 20th century.'The Changing World of Natural Gas' Workshop
September 26-29, 2013, Moscow
The international workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss all aspects of economics and politics of natural gas. It is directed in particular to junior academics and PhD students and we will undertake special efforts to incorporate researchers from the Russian Federation.
4th International Conference 'University Traditions: A Resource or a Burden?'September 26-28, 2013, Moscow
The conference has been organized by the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers. It is co-hosted by the New Economic School, the HSE Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, and the International Commission for the History of Universities.

Applied Economics: Empirical Analysis of Markets & Enterprises

September 18-20, 2013, Perm
The conference aims at providing a high level academic forum on the subject theme by bringing international participants together in Russia. The topics of interest include empirical corporate finance and empirical analysis of markets and enterprises.
Second international conference ‘Industrial Organization and Spatial Economics’
June 27-28, 2013, Saint Petersburg
Topics of interest include: industrial organization, spatial economics, imperfect competition, international trade, urban economics, and new economic geography.

Studying Institutions and Development in Russia: New Data and New Approaches

June 26-27, 2013, Moscow
This conference aims to present cutting edge research in the field of political economy. We focus on the regional dimension of institutions and economic development and our results benefit from several original databases created during the project. The audience includes scholars and policy-makers, as well as experts specializing in applied research in related areas. This will allow us to not only present our academic findings, but also to discuss how our results can aid decision making and improve applied research.

International academic conference ‘Street Art in the Changing City: Theoretical Perspectives’
June 7-8, 2013, Moscow
Organized by the Research Group 'Graffiti and Street Art in Cultural Cityscape' and the Poletaev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities
3rd international conference ‘Youth and Project Management in Russia: Modern Challenges and Perspectives’

May 30–31, 2013, Moscow
The conference is dedicated to development of R&D projects in Russian PM area and integration of young researchers and professionals into international PM community.
Social Networks and Economics in Sports Conference

May 27-29, 2013, Moscow

The conference will focus on recent research developments in social networks, economics, management, marketing, and optimization applied to sports. The purpose of this conference is to bring together academic researchers, managers from sports, policy makers, and athletes to exchange knowledge in a broad range of topics relevant to sports.

1st International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey User Conference
May 17-18, 2013, Moscow
The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for the discussion of research based on the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey. Researchers in all disciplines (e.g. economics, demography, sociology, political sciences, public health, and psychology) who use the RLMS-HSE are invited.