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Conferences 2015

International Conference on 'Foreign Languages in Education: Issues and Perspectives'

December 3–4, 2015

The topic of foreign languages in formal education deals with the role, scope and quality of foreign language learning and teaching within various settings such as primary and secondary schools, tertiary level courses for majors and non-majors, vocational training and life-long-learning programs, to name a few. This variety of educational needs calls for the constant monitoring of the latest developments in foreign language acquisition theory in order to keep teaching practices up-to-date.

International Conference 'Innovation in Management and Business: Future Global Challenge'

November 27–28, 2015, St. Petersburg

The conference is dedicated to the future evolution of global business within the changing realities of the political, economic, ecological and social landscape.

The Second International Scientific-practical Conference 'Media Literacy and Media Education: Digital Media for Future'

November 26–28, 2015, Moscow

The main target of the conference is to continue the cooperation between different universities all over the world, studying the problems of Media Ecology, Media Literacy, Media Education and Media Culture. 

3rd Annual Global Governance Conference

November 20–21, 2015, Moscow

The experts speak on global governance: crisis or tranformation.

5th Annual International Academic Conference 'Foresight and STI Policy'

November 19–20, 2015, Moscow

More than 20 presentations are planned, covering a wide range of topics including setting and implementing S&T development priorities, international cooperation in the area, further development of foresight methodology, and improving S&T policy tools.

5th International Annual Research Conference 'Cultural and Economic Changes under Cross-national Perspective'

November 15–20, 2015, Moscow

The conference aims at developing empirical quantitative comparative (cross-country and cross-regional) studies in social science.

8th Annual Conference 'Contemporary Problems in Management: Exploring the Boundaries'

November 11–13, 2015, Moscow

The goal of the conference is to further encourage scientific research on management problems by bringing together scholars working in the field, and to maximize the amount and level of interaction among researchers at all stages of their career. All types of research approaches are welcome.

Fourth International Moscow Finance Conference

November 6–7, 2015, Moscow

The conference covers the topics of Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing, Market Microstructure, Security and Mechanism Design.

International Conference 'Biological Concepts, Models, and Metaphors in Social and Human Sciences'

October 29 –30, 2015

The focus for the conference is the changes in the understanding of human society in the end of 19th and in the first half of the 20th century under the influence of the successful development of biology and natural sciences in general,.and the subsequent transformation of the concepts and metaphors of evolutionism and biosociology.

International Congress REENCON-XXI 'Renewable Energy XXI Century: Energy and Economic Efficiency'

October 27 –28, 2015

The International Congress REENCON-XXI is an initiative of the RAS, HSE and the International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the aegis of UNESCO to establish Russia's largest permanently functioning professional interdisciplinary platform for identifying promising trends in renewable energy development, making recommendations and proposals for public authorities to support and expand scientific research and practical application of renewable energy sources. 

International Conference 'Development of Russian Law-VIII: Legal Policy, Perspectives of the Rule-of-Law and Market Economy in Russia'

October 23–24, 2015

This annual event is devoted to discussions of the new and important topics within the field of Russian law and legal studies. This year’s focus is on legal policy and economic crisis in the context of the rule-of-law state and market economy in Russia.

International Conference  'Demographic History and Demographic Theory: From Description to Explanation'

October 22–23, 2015

The aim of the conference is to bring together a relatively small group of scholars and discuss the different ‘transitions’ and ‘revolutions’ as well as their interrelationship during the last fifty years.

6th International Conference on 'Rethinking Students: Ideas and New Research Approaches'

October 15–17, 2015, Moscow

The conference organizers invite researchers and practitioners to discuss new theoretical approaches and methods in students experience and trajectories studies, as well as the results of empirical studies in this field.

International Conference 'Minorities and Conflicts: Asian and African States in the Modern World'

October 9–10, 2015, Saint Petersburg

The aim of the conference is to facilitate multi-disciplinary discussion of research experience, theoretical, methodological and empirical findings in the field of Asian and African minorities’ studies.

Modern Econometric Tools and Applications – EC2015

September 2426, 2015, Nizhny Novgorod

The Conference is devoted to application of the modern econometric tools in applied research and its theoretical aspects. The activities of the Conference will be divided into sessions.

International Conference on Applied Research in Economics

September 21–23, 2015, Perm

Special topics for the conference are: empirical corporate finance, empirical industrial organization, experimental economics and finance, labour economics, international economics, economics of development, political economy, public economics and finance

International Research Conference 'Care of the Self in Pedagogics, Sociology and Psychology: Historical Past and Actual Present'

September 9–11, 2015, Moscow

At the conference the participnats plan to discuss the problems of historical and contemporary conceptualization of the philosophical-pedagogical category "self-care", to identify the methodological basis of its interpretation and the specific use of different theoretical frameworks and disciplinary fields, when pedagogy and culture determine the person as a student and teacher at the same time, providing the transformation, self-development and self actualization throughout his/her life.

'Information Technologies and Systems' School and Conference

September 7–11, 2015, Sochi

Topics of the conference: data mining and predictive modeling, technical sensory systems, computational linguistics, neuroinformatics and brain science, next generation wireless networks, algebro-geometric coding methods, fundamental basis of information transmission, quantum informatics, statistical physics of advanced systems, mathematical theory of finance.

International Conference ‘Communication as a Discipline and as a Field: Sharing Experiences to Construct a Dialogue’

July 9, 2015

The conference is aimed at bringing together once more different voices from communication scholarship in order to advance constructing a conceptual map of communication discipline and field in various parts of the globe and thereby further our understanding of the primary role of communication in modern society. 

International Conference ‘Culture in Society, between Groups and across Generations’

June 9–10, 2015

Main conference topics are: values and value transmission, intercultural relations, social capital and economic behavior.

Fourth International Conference Industrial Organization and Spatial Economics

June 8–9, 2015, Saint Petersburg

Topics of the conference: industrial organization, spatial economics, imperfect competition, international trade, urban economics, new economic geography.

International Research Conference: 'Culture in Society, between Groups and across Generations'

June 8–9, 2015, Moscow

Topics of the conference: values and value transmission, intercultural relations, social capital and economic behavior

International Conference 'Europe, 1945: Liberation, Occupation, Retribution'

June 2–4,  2015, Moscow

The conference is intended to bring together scholars working on path-breaking aspects of World War II in order to create such new syntheses and interpretations. The goal is to foster cross-country and cross-regional comparisons while introducing new sources and perspectives on the shift from occupation liberation.

2nd International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE Users Conference

May 22–23, 2015

The conference aims to provide a forum for the discussion of multi-disciplinary research based on the evidence from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE.

International Conference 'Professionalism reconsidered: changes and challenges in welfare states'

May 21–22, 2015, Moscow

The Conference aims to discuss topical issues of professionalism in the context of transfor­mation of social policy reforms and is dedicated to the memory of HSE Professor, the co-founder and the first Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Social Policy Studies, Pavel V. Romanov (1964-2014).

III International Scientific and Practical Conference 'Information Security Management in Modern Society'

May 19–21, 2015, Moscow

The conference’s main theme is issues in ensuring information security in systems with a high volume of users, and ensuring information security for those users.

6th International Academic Conference for Students and Graduate Students ‘Statistical Methods for Analysis of the Economy and Society’

May  12–15, 2015, Moscow

Special topics for the conference are: theory and methodology of applied statistics and econometrics, application of applied statistics and econometrics, probability models of financial mathematics.

8th Russian Conference of Students and Postgraduates on 'Actual Issues of Logistics and Supply Chain Management'

April 21–23, 2015, Moscow

The conference participants discuss the development of the logistics integration in the supply chain, regional aspects of the logistics infrastructure, information technologies and computer simulation in logistics and supply chain management and many others.

XVI April International Conference on ‘Modernising the Economy and Society’

April 7–10, 2015, Moscow

The XVI April conference on economic and social development focuses on institutions and economic development, reforms (reasons for successes and failures), the demand for rights: factors and forces at work and many other topics.

International Conference 'Leaders in Soviet History. How to Write Political Biographies'

March 20–21, 2015, Moscow

Political biographies are a genre of historical literature that traditionally attracts considerable interest from a wide range of readers. As such, they have significant influence on the professional study of history while providing important methods for scholarly research. The conference seeks to examine these general methodological and historiographical issues. 

International Graduate Conference ‘Sustainable Tourism Development in the Changing World’ (STEP)

February 5–6, 2015, St. Petersburg

The conference is aimed at creating and supporting academic network of young researchers with a professional interest in tourism and hospitality. 


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