Conferences 2019
International Conference 'Foreign Language Teaching: Traditions and Innovations'
December 12 – 13, 2019, Moscow
The Conference is going to be held in memory of Elena Solovova, a renowned scholar in the field of foreign language teaching methodology.
The conference sessions are going to be devoted to the key areas targeted in Elena Solovova’s studies:
- Theory and Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures: Traditions and Innovations.
- Language Assessment as Part of Continuing Language Learning and Teaching.
- Training and Retraining of Foreign Language Teachers.
International Conference 'Topological Methods in Dynamics and Related Topics. Shilnikov Workshop'
December 9 – 13, 2019, Nizhny Novgorod
The conference will cover the following topics:
- topological methods in dynamics;
- bifurcations and chaos;
- geometry and topology of foliations;
- algebra and analysis;
- application of the theory of dynamical systems;
7 th Annual Conference on the Global Economy
November 28 – 29, 2019, Moscow
ts focus is directed to the major risks and uncertainties in the international economic landscape; problems that would shape the future of the global economy in the coming decade.
International Conference 'Demographic Trends in Russia: Legacy of Soviet Era or a New Tendency?'
November 21 – 22, 2019, Moscow
On the first day of the conference mortality and health will be discussed. The second day of the conference will be dedicated to fertility, family and migration.
November 21 – 22, 2019, Moscow
The main idea of the conference is to show how people perceive the past in Europe and in Russia. How national aspects could influence our perception of history? How to avoid the ideologization of history, is it impossible, and why?
Ninth International Academic Conference ‘Foresight and STI Policy’
November 20 – 22, 2019, Moscow
Conference participants will discuss issues related to forming national S&T foresight systems, developing foresights for separate sectors of the economy, and creating new tools for science and technology policy.
International Conference 'Globalization in Contemporary Asia'
November 20 – 21, 2019, Moscow
The conference seeks to identify and assess key features of Asian geopolitics, the nature of Asian unity and its political, economic, and cultural diversity.
VI International conference 'Actual Problems of System and Software Engineering'
November 12 – 14, 2019, Moscow
The conference is devoted to the analysis of the status, current trends, research issues and practical results obtained by national and foreign scientists and experts in the systems and software engineering area, as well as information and analytical systems development area using Big Data technologies.
International Conference 'Experimental Economics in Russia'
November 6, 2019, Moscow
Experimental methods are a relatively new but very important way of understanding behavior and economic incentives of real agents. The organizers have many years of experience in conducting international, cross-national and interregional experimental studies, and are ready to share this knowledge with colleagues from different universities and cities of Russia, CIS and worldwide.
Eighth International Moscow Finance Conference
October 25 – 26, 2019, Moscow
International Conference "Piracy and Beyond: Exploring 'Threats' in Media and Culture"
October 23 – 25, 2019, Moscow
This conference explores piracy as a figure navigating the conventions, norms and boundaries of legality in digital cultures and beyond.
October 23 – 25, 2019, Moscow
Two sessions of three presentations each bring together early-career scholars and accomplished researchers to discuss prospective papers in the field of higher education.
XVI International Symposium 'Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems'
October 21 – 25, 2019, Moscow
XVI International Symposium "Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems" is the conference that covers a wide area of aspects of information and communication systems. The covered topics include but not limited to information and coding theory, telecommunication protocols, internet of things systems, machine learning, data security, blockchain.
International Conference 'Regions of Imperial Russia: Identities, Representations, Meanings'
October 21 – 23, 2019, Moscow
The conference seeks to bring together scholars interested in offering fresh perspectives on the identities, representations, and meanings of regions and regionality in the Russian experience, in particular during the imperial era (1700-1917).
St. Petersburg Conference on Inequality and Diversity
October 21 – 22, 2019, St. Petersburg
ID Conference is an annual international forum for social scientists to discuss such topics as social and political cleavages in modern societies, co-existence of different social groups in countries, cities and organizations, modern forms of inequality and ways to combat it, human and minority rights, ways of ethnic, religious and territorial conflicts resolution.
International Conference 'Youth in the 21st Century: Multiplicity And Difference'
October 18 – 19, 2019, St. Petersburg
This conference focuses on multiplicity and difference among contemporary youth.
Conference 'Situating the ‘Global’ in Contemporary Humanities'
October 17 – 19, 2019, St. Petersburg
How are the global subjects of inquiry interlinked with the globalisation after the end of the Cold War and more recent geopolitical, and ecological realities — as well as with the globalisation of the humanities and social sciences themselves? What are some of the contours of global networks, cultural flows and hierarchies which we explore — and in which we are also involved as scholars, authors and teachers? How do academics react to the globalisation of politics of knowledge in different countries and regions? Discussing these issues is the goal of the first annual conference of the School of Arts and Humanities of the HSE St Petersburg.
9th Annual CInSt Banking Workshop 'Banking in Emerging Markets: Challenges and Opportunities'
October 11, 2019, Moscow
The annual workshop is aimed at bringing together scholars involved in various aspects of banking in emerging markets, including but not limited to those of the Central and Eastern Europe, the CIS countries, Latin America and China.
October 3-4, 2019, Moscow
This is a joint event organized by HSE University (Moscow, Russia), PluriCourts Center, Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo, and SciencesPo University, Paris.
International conference 'Modernization of Governance: Prospects from Russia and China'
October 2, 2019, Moscow
During the conference, reports on local governance in Russia and China, the national governance of China, the place of Russia and China in global governance, regionalism and integration processes in Eurasia will be presented.
Analytics for Management and Economics Conference
September 27 – 28, 2019, St. Petersburg
Key topics:
- Empirical economics, firms and industry studies
- Quantitative corporate and international finance
- SMART marketing and customer analytics
- New HR trends and people analytics
- Game theory and market design
- Institutions of Public Sector: Empirical Evidence, etc.
Workshop 'Recent Advances in Mass Transportation'
September 23 – 27, 2019, Moscow
The workshop will feature a series of expository mini-courses on principal directions of recent research in the broad area of mass transportation, given by renowned and active researchers in the field.
International Conference on Applied Research in Economics 2019
September 23 – 25, 2019, Perm
The conference focuses on research that has applications to and implications for real-life problems. Hence the conference acronym reflects its motto — iCare = I care.
VI International Conference 'Modern Econometric Tools and Applications – META2019'
September 19 – 21, 2019, Nizhny Novgorod
The conference will be devoted to application of the modern econometric tools in applied research and its theoretical aspects.
September 16 – 19, 2019, Moscow
The purpose of the conference is to better understand the problems of building a system of national accounts, price statistics, productivity, income distribution, welfare and poverty in the countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS.
International Workshop 'Social Inequality and Value Polarization: A Cross-Country Perspective'
September 16 – 18, 2019, Moscow
The workshop will focus on the reasons and consequences of the rising popularity of nationalist, anti-emigrant, and populist parties in Europe and Russia.
Second ICEF Conference in Applied Economics
September 14, 2019, Moscow
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) 2019
September 6 – 8, 2019, Moscow
AMLaP 2019 aims to bring together researchers using experimental, neuroimaging, computational, and theoretical perspectives on the cognitive architectures and neural mechanisms underlying language use and communication.
Symposium: Bilingualism and Cognition
September 5, 2019, Moscow
The symposium will be dedicated to the different aspects of research of bilingualism, from theoretical, behavioural and neuroimaging perspectives, laying out an interdisciplinary approach to this multifaceted problem that is becoming more and more relevant in the modern multilingual world.
Typical and Atypical Language Development Symposium 2019
September 4, 2019, Moscow
TALDS 2019 aims to bring together researchers of infant, child, and adolescent language development using behavioral, eye tracking, neuroimaging, and computational methods.
21st IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics
July 15 – 17, 2019, Moscow
IEEE CBI 2019 encourages a broad understanding of Business Informatics research and intends to further its many different facets, theoretical foundation and experiential body of knowledge.
International Conference 'Economic Design and Algorithms'
July 8 – 10, 2019, St. Petersburg
The conference will bring together economists and computer scientists. It will focus on design problems where the methodologies of these two communities interact successfully.
International Conference 'Formal Philosophy 2019'
June 27 – 28, 2019, Moscow
The participants will discuss issues of formal epistemology, formal ontology, formal ethics, philosophy of logic, epistemology of logic and other branches of formal and mathematical philosophy.
Conference 'The 1990s: The Social History of Russia'
June 19 – 21, 2019, Moscow
The conference “Urban Inequalities: Segregation, Migration and Social Conflict” will be centered on ethnographic analysis to address urban inequality phenomena, such as unemployment, informal employment, homelessness, access to essential services, intolerance, conflict, digital divide.
4th Annual Conference of the Central and Eastern European Network of Legal Scholars (CEENELS)
June 14 – 15, 2019, Moscow
The conference is open to all scholars who research Central and Eastern European law and legal culture.
8th Annual ICSID Conference 2019 'The Political Economy of Redistribution and Institutional Change'
Some of the conference topics are:
Researchers interested in the following fields are encouraged to apply: industrial organization; spatial economics; imperfect competition; international trade; urban economics; and new economic geography.
Conference "Beyond Post-Truth: Media Landscapes in the 'Age of Insecurity'"
International Innovations Forum in the Agrarian Sector 'Agrotech-2019. Steps Beyond the Horizon'
May 30 – 31, 2019, Moscow
The Forum 'Agrotech-2019. Steps Beyond the Horizon' will provide the platform for representatives of the business, public ministries and authorities, private capital funds, scientific community for discussion of necessary steps for acceleration of innovative development of agriculture in Russia.
International conference 'How Are the ‘Modern’ Middle Ages Created or Medievalism Studies'
May 29 – 30, 2019, Moscow
The participants will discuss the Middle Ages after the Middle Ages, the diversity of its images in art, philosophy, publicism, academic and popular culture.
4th International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey User Conference
May 24 – 25, 2019, Moscow
The conference aims to provide a forum for the discussion of multi-disciplinary research based on the evidence from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE.
International Conference 'Volunteering: Improving Society, Develop Human Values'
May 21 – 23, 2019, Moscow
The Conference features a diverse agenda of actual issues in the field of volunteering research, exchange of volunteer experience, implementation of effective volunteer initiatives in Russia and foreign countries,including discussion of results of the Year of Volunteer in Russia, talks about contribution of volunteer service into development of a society, evaluation of impact and effectiveness of volunteering efforts.
Conference 'Civilizations and International Order: ‘One World’ or ‘Multipolarity’?'
May 15 – 16, 2019, Moscow
The conference invites reflection on the goals, similarities and differences between the civilizational projects of China, Russia and the West.
10th Conference on Statistical Methods Application for Analysis of Economics and Society
May 14 – 17, 2019, Moscow
The conference organizers are the Department of Statistics and Data Analysis of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications, HSE, with the participation of MGIMO University and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
Symposium 'Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy'
April 10 – 12, 2019, Moscow
The conference participants will discuss a broad range of topics in the domain of S&T Foresight and STI policy-making, examine new approaches and instruments of R&D management and exchange best practices of their application.
International Symposium 'Intellectual Capital: Measurement, Risks and Reporting'
April 9 – 10, 2019, Moscow
The event seeks to unite researchers and practitioners, working on intellectual capital, integreated reporting and the role of boards in disclosure and application of intellectual capital frameworks to increase company’s value.
XX April International Academic Conference On Economic and Social Development
April 9 – 12, 2019, Moscow
The Conference features a diverse agenda concerning social and economic development in Russia.
Korean–Russian Algebraic Geometry Meeting
April 5 – 7, 2019, Moscow