Conferences 2020
International Research Conference 'Interaction. Integration. Inclusion'
December 21, 2020
Conference Topics:
• Inclusive development for developing countries;
• Inclusion in urban communities (neighbourhoods);
• Multiculturalism and intercultural education;
• Role and potential of new technologies in overcoming social isolation and enhancing integration;
• Health and well-being in the context of socio-economic and cultural transformations.
The Conference aims to discuss the main trends shaping the world development amid the deglobalization and regionalization of the world economy and politics.
VIII Annual Conference on the Global Economy
November 26-27, 2020
The Conference will focus on the impact that coronavirus pandemic has on different areas of the global economy, namely international macroeconomic situation, climate change mitigation policies, social environment, and US-China decoupling.
International Conference 'Topology and Geometry of Group Actions'
November 18-22, 2020
The conference will be devoted to toric topology, toric geometry, and adjacent areas, such as homotopy theory, Hamiltonian actions on symplectic manifolds, combinatorics, discrete and convex geometry.
Conference on Machine Learning
November 18-20, 2020
Our conference offers two parallel tracks, focussing on topics like computer vision, natural language processing, optimization and much more. You can choose from 2 parallel sessions and switch between them at any time.
Tenth International Academic Conference ‘Foresight and STI Policy’
November 9-13, 2020
The conference participants will discuss a broad range of topics in the domain of S&T Foresight and STI policymaking, examine new approaches and instruments of R&D management and exchange best practices of their application.
St. Petersburg International Conference on Inequality and Diversity
November 5-7, 2020, St. Petersburg
It is an annual international forum for social scientists to discuss such topics as social and political cleavages in modern societies, co-existence of different social groups in countries, cities and organizations, modern forms of inequality and ways to combat it, human and minority rights, ways of ethnic, religious and territorial conflicts resolution.
International Conference 'Acculturation and Intercultural Relations: Post-Soviet Experience'
November 2, 2020
List of topics:
- Social identity
- Intercultural relations
- Acculturation and multiculturalism
- Social capital and acculturation
October 29-30
The special topic of RHEC 2020 is "Higher education in a pandemic: new challenges and modern solutions."
’Design: Vertical & Horizontal Growth’ International Conference
October 28-30
’Design: Vertical and Horizontal Growth’ conference aims to encouraging researchers to express their opinions on the role of design as a humanizing practice in the context of multidirectional development complicated by the COVID pandemic.
Ninth International Moscow Finance Conference
October 23–24
Speakers: Toni Whited (University of Michigan), Elena Loutskina (University of Virginia), Itay Goldstein (The Wharton School), José-Luis Peydró (Imperial College London), Kathy Yuan (LSE), Haoxiang Zhu (MIT Sloan School of Management), etc.
Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems and Processes Conference
October 22–24
MACSPro'2020 conference is intended to bring together people working on theory and practice of analysis of complex systems in different domains and industries with the goal to encourage technology transfer from cutting edge research to business critical systems.
Online International Workshop 'LSA Autumn Meeting 2020'
October 19–23
the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications runs the international workshop "LSA Autumn Meeting 2020". The meeting will gather such leading experts in the field of stochastic analysis as: Averboukh Yurii (Ural Federal University; HSE); Bendikov Alexander (University Of Wroclaw, Poland); Borzykh Dmitriy (HSE); Davydov Youri (The University of Lille; St. Petersburg State University); Frikha Noufel (Université Paris Diderot, France); Grabchak Michael (UNC Charlotte, USA) and many others.
International Conference 'Korea and Russia: International Agenda'
October 19–20, Moscow
The first objective of the conference is to contribute to the understanding of Korean-Russian relations in regional and global contexts. The second objective is to encourage wide-ranging discussion of external and internal factors in Korea and Russia’s foreign policies and their responses to regional and global economic challenges and opportunities.
International Conference 'Migrants and Refugees Integration in the 21st Century'
The Conference will focus on conceptual and methodological approaches, as well as on the discussion of empirical research to understand the complexity of international migration and integration processes.
International Conference on Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond
October 12-16, 2020, Moscow
Programme of the conference is focused on the analysis and discussion of research and activity in computer simulations and data analysis, which generally meets on the boundary of scientific branches, i.e., which are multidisciplinary research.
Conference 'Poletayev Readings 9¾: The Corridors of Theory'
October 2, 2020
The obvious circumstances beyond our control that determined the new format of the Poletaev Readings 9¾ are the best reason to turn to the actual present. The innovations and changes that have already occurred in the humanities and social theory in the new millennium will be the subject of our discussion.
VII International Conference 'Modern Econometric Tools and Applications – META2020'
September 22-26, 2020, Nizhny Novgorod
The Joint Meeting will focus on theoretical and applied questions of application of modern econometric methods.
International Conference on Applied Research in Economics
September 21-23, 2020, Perm
The conference focuses on research that has applications to and implications for real-life problems. Hence the conference acronym reflects its motto — iCare = I care.
International seminar on 'Global Longevity: Advances and Challenges'
September 16-18, 2020, St. Petersburg
This seminar will bring together international scholars with a strong interest in mortality at global, regional, national, and sub-national levels and experts interested in population-level mortality data and related quality and methodological issues.
Third ICEF Conference on Applied Economics (special online edition on COVID-19)
September 12, 2020
The list of presenters includes Thomas Le Barbanchon (Bocconi University), Libertad González (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Ingo E. Isphording (IZA, Bonn), Stanislav Rabinovich (UNC Chapel Hill).
Annual Conference SABE 2020 on Economic Psychology and Behavioural Economics
July 22 – 26, 2020, Moscow
The conference will bring together researchers in the quickly rising field of experimental and behavioural economics who will share their results in behavioural economic theory, laboratory and field experiments, economics and psychology, neuroeconomics and their applications.
July 17, 2020
Protectionist and arbitrary actions by leading powers are threatening and undermining the regulation of multilateral, regional and bilateral trade. The dramatic growth of protectionist measures has resulted in a global trade crisis. We are witnessing instances of trade wars between developed and emerging economies. On topple it all, the world is now facing the unprecedented pandemic of COVID-19. It has strained and overstretched the health systems worldwide, including in the most advanced economies of the world. This online conference is aimed at addressing these challenges and developments by focusing on the 3R Initiative: Rethinking, Repackaging and Rescuing International Trade Law.
9th International Conference 'Industrial Organization and Spatial Economics'
Postponed until autumn
June 4 – 5, 2020, St. Petersburg
Researchers interested in the following fields are encouraged to apply:
- Industrial organization
- Spatial economics
- Imperfect competition
- International trade
- Urban economics
- New economic geography
Conference on Football and Finance
July 1 – 3, 2020, St. Petersburg
HSE University, New Economic School, and University of Reading are organizing a conference on the economics and finance of football. It is aimed to highlight high quality research of the football industry as well as to facilitate the cooperation between academics and practitioners.
Number Theory and Geometry: Alexey Zykin Memorial Conference
June 18 – 19, 2020
On June 13 Alexey Zykin (1984-2017) would have turned 36. Every year his colleagues are celebrating his birthday by organizing a memorial miniconference.
9th Annual ICSID Conference 'Comparative Perspectives on the Political Economy of Development'
June 9 – 11, 2020, Moscow
Some of the conference topics are:
- Collective actions and public goods
- Comparative studies of governance
- Social capital, trust, and cultural norms
- Human capital and economic development
- Political elites and economic performance
- History and persistence of economic growth
XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
The Conference features a diverse agenda concerning social and economic development in Russia. The Conference programme will include presentations by Russian and international academics, roundtables and plenary sessions with participation of members of the Government of the Russian Federation, government officials, business representatives, and leading Russian and foreign experts.
International Conference 'Formal Philosophy - 2020'
June 4 – 5, 2020, Moscow
The organisers invite papers in formal epistemology, formal ontology, formal ethics, philosophy of logic, an epistemology of logic and other branches of formal and mathematical philosophy.
International Conference 'War and Everyday Life in the USSR: History and Memory'
June 2 – 3, 2020, Moscow
Th eorganisers invite papers that discuss the everyday functioning of the Soviet system on the central and local levels under the extreme pressure of the war. Additionally, the conference hopes to attract papers that discuss the Soviet population’s survival strategies, both on the occupied territories, on the home front, and in the liberated areas.
Fourth International Workshop on Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge Discovery
May 19, 2020, Moscow
Main topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
concept lattices and related structures
attribute implications and data dependencies
data preprocessing
redundancy and dimensionality reduction
information retrieval
association rules and other data dependencies
May 12 – 15, 2020, Moscow
- Theory and methodology of applied statistics and econometrics
- Application of Statistics and Econometrics in: economics, political and social sciences; demography and population statistics; management
- Statistical and Actuarial Methods in Insurance
- Dynamic Models and Stochastic Processes
Third International Conference
Multilingual Urban Space: policy, identity, education'April 10 – 12, Moscow
The primary goal of the conference is to examine the factors that contribute to the linguistic diversity and the theoretical developments in the dynamics of language/culture contact taking place within and between different ethnic groups in the city-space.
April 9 – 11, Moscow
Main topics of the conference:
- Transmedia literacy: a new socio-technological lifestyle
- Media ecology and “critical autonomy”: the thinking of “a person of communication” and “limitations of information availability”
- Transmedia production of media content in the digital space: new ethics and aesthetics
- Digital ethics and media law. Freedom and responsibility in a digital environment
- New digital forms of culture and the impact of digital cultural practices on everyday life
- Immersiveness, AR, VR and MR: applications, formats and limitations
- Digital environment and new practices of political participation
10th LCSR International Workshop
April 6, Moscow
Workshop topics include but are not limited to:
- human values and cultural change
- gender (in)equality and gender attitudes
- subjective well-being and happiness
- trust, social capital and corruption
- tolerance, nationalism and migration
- political regimes and institutions
- populism and conservatism in Europe and Russia
- value polarization in Europe and Russia
- religion and secularization
- cross-cultural data collection and analysis
VII International Conference 'Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations'
April 6, Moscow
Conference topics:
- Culture Dimensions
- Individual values and value transmission
- Identity Change and Development
- Multiculturalism and Acculturation
- Intercultural relations
- Social Capital and trust
- Economic attitudes, poverty, and economic disadvantage
22nd Annual Conference 'History and Culture of Japan'
February 17 – 19, 2020, Moscow
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