Meeting of the Dissertation Council in Management
On the acceptance to defense of dissertations by Klepneva K.V. and Mondrus O.V.
The Dissertation Council in Management at the meeting held on October 26, 2018, adopted the following decisions (Minutes No. 4):
1. Accept to defense the dissertation of Klepneva Ksenia Vladimirovna on the topic: “Employee customer orientation in a multinational company”.
2. To approve the Dissertation Committee by the dissertation of Klepneva K.V. in the following composition:
1) Rebiazina Vera Alexandrovna, Сandidate of Sciences in Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Strategic Marketing, School of Business and Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Management, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution National Research University Higher School of Economics (Chair Person of the Committee);
2) Andreeva Tatiana Evgenievna, Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Senior Lecturer in Management and Organisational Behaviour, Maynooth University School of Business;
3) Apenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, Head of the department "Innovation and project management", federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky";
4) Guseva Natalia Igorevna, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Professor of the Department of General and Strategic Management, School of Business and Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Management, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution National Research University Higher School of Economics;
5) Kucherov Dmitry Gennadyevich, Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Personnel Management and Organizational Behavior of the Higher School of Management, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State University".
3. Accept to defense the dissertation of Mondrus Olga Vladimirovna on the topic: “Talent management system in Russian IT companies”.
4. To approve the Dissertation Committee by the dissertation of Mondrus O.V. in the following composition:
1) Gurkov Igor Borisovich, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of General and Strategic Management of the School of Business and Business Administration of the Faculty of Business and Management, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution National Research University Higher School of Economics (Chair Person of the Committee);
2) Vaiman Vlad, PhD, Associate Dean and Professor, California Lutheran University;
2) Vaiman Vlad, PhD, Associate Dean and Professor, California Lutheran University;
3) Dymarskaya Olga Yakovlevna, Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Head of the Department for the Development of a Citywide System of Profnavigation, State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow “Agency of Innovations of the City of Moscow”;
4) Kudriavtseva Elena Igorevna, Candidate of Sciences in Psychology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Management Department of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, St. Petersburg branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution National Research University Higher School of Economics;
5) Latukha Marina Olegovna, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State University".
November 01, 2018