Meeting of the Dissertation Council in Public Administration

On the acceptance to defense of dissertation by Larionov A.V.

The Dissertation Council in Public Administration at the meeting held on October 15, 2018, adopted the following decisions (Minutes No. 3):
1. Accept to defense the dissertation of Larionov Alexandr Vitalievich on the topic: “Development and Introduction of Payment Systems' Risk Indicators into the Bank of Russia’s Supervisory Practice”.
2. To approve the Dissertation Committee by the dissertation of Larionov A.V. in the following composition:
1) Klimenko Andrey Vitalyevich, Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Associate Professor, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research University Higher School of Economics”, Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Public Administration (Chair Person of the Committee);
2) Plaksin Sergey Mikhailovich, Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research University Higher School of Economics”, Deputy Director of the Institute for Public Administration and Governance;
3) Tamarov Pavel Alexandrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation", Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy and Global Finance;
4) Fonarev Nikolai Ivanovich, Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, economic advisor to the staff of advisers and assistants to the Chairman of the Bank of Russia;
5) Nemec Juraj, PhD, Professor, Professor at the University of Matei Bel.