Three HSE Journals to Be Indexed by Scopus

Three HSE journals — Public Administration Issues (Voprosy Gosudarstvennogo i Munitsypal’nogo Upravleniya), Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics (Psychologiya. Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly Economiki) and The Russian Sociological Review (Sociologicheskoye Obozreniye) — are to be indexed by Scopus. The editorial boards of these journals have already been officially notified by Elsevier.

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Scopus makes journals available to researchers all over the world. Indexing by Scopus also marks the quality of journals, as the journals are added to the database after a long and thorough selection process, coordinated by the Scopus Advisory Board that includes 16 international experts.

Founded in 2001 The Russian Sociological Review has been published with the support of the Higher School of Economics since 2006. Alexander F. Filippov, HSE Tenured Professor, is Editor-in-chief. Each issue includes original research papers, review articles and translations of contemporary and classical works in sociology, political theory and social philosophy. The journal often covers the topics that haven’t been properly studied in Russian sociology. For example, the March issue of the journal features the review of the book by Alen Guttmann, the classic of social theory of sport, that was published in Russian.

Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics has been published since 2004. Vadim Petrovskiy, HSE Tenured Professor, is Editor-in-chief. Each issue contains a section dedicated to a special topic and a number of miscellaneous articles. The theme of the latest issue is sexuality and normalization in psychological perspective.

Public Administration Issues (Lev Jakobson is Editor-in-chief) has been published since 2007. The journal features highly specialized materials along with the focusing on the interconnection of the properly public administration problems with the relative economic, legal, political science and administrative problems, including state - civil society interaction. Since 2014 the English version of the journal is also available.

In addition to the journals affiliated to HSE, the interdisciplinary journal Slověne, founded and edited by Feodor Uspenskij, Leading Research Fellow at the Centre for Medieval Studies, is also to be indexed by Scopus.