Modern Trends in the Development of Vacuum Electronics
Staff members of HSE research group ‘Electrodynamics of slow wave structures’ took part in the 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2017, held on April 24th-26th, 2017 in London.
The IVEC annual conference is organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and is the largest international forum in the field of vacuum microwave electronics. This year the conference programme included presentations on the theoretical aspects of microwave engineering and the development and application of various vacuum electron devices (magnetrons, klystrons, gyrotrons, oscillators and amplifiers), as well as reports on the applications of metamaterials in electromagnetics and microwave electronics.
The following reports by HSE Professors Andrey Yelizarov and Yury Mozgovoi, and master’s students S. Presnyakov and A. Skuridin were presented at the event:
- Investigation of a rectangular waveguide with a magnetic wall made of mushroom-shaped metamaterial (Yelizarov (Elizarov) A. A., Nazarov I., Kukharenko A. S., Skuridin A. A.).
- Investigation of microwave sensor on the planar mushroom-shaped metamaterial (Yelizarov (Elizarov) A. A., Nazarov I., Kukharenko A. S., Skuridin A. A.).
- TWT Model on a Meta-Magnetic Plate (Pchelnikov Y., Yelizarov (Elizarov) A. A.).
- Investigation of 'Serpentine'-Type Slow-Wave Structures in the Terahertz Range. (N. Kravchenko, S. Presnyakov, S. Mukhin, A. Kasatkin).
- Analysis of Copropagating Electron Beams Interaction in a Smooth Waveguide. (Y. Mozgovoi, S. Khritkin, Y. Evdokimov).
Participating in IVEC enables HSE staff members to cooperate with their colleagues and to discuss modern trends in the development of vacuum microwave electronics with leading researchers from different countries.
Yury Dmitrievich Mozgovoi
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