Tag "academic journals"

Higher Education in Russia and Beyond 4(10) Winter 2016 is out

This issue Computer Science: History of Emerging Discipline is dedicated to contemporary computer science education in Russia.

HSE Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism Publishes New Journal

The new academic journal is entitled ‘Urban Studies and Practices’. The first issue came out this September.  Now a call for papers for special issue on Migrants and the City has been announced. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2017.

Educational Studies Moscow Indexed in Scopus

The decision was made by the Scopus Expert Council after a two-year examination of the journal published by HSE. The editorial board of the journal Educational Studies Moscow applied for indexing in the Scopus database in 2014 (the application process takes a long time). The Scopus Expert Council has regularly monitored the journal’s development over the two years since the application was made. There are strict requirements for paper and e-formats of the journal, as well as for the quality of research results published.

New Issue of HERB Focuses on Doctoral Studies

The ninth issue of Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, a journal that highlights current educational trends from Russia, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe, has just been published.

Challenges of the Teaching Profession Disccused in HSE Journal

The second issue of Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies.Moscow has been recently released. The current issue features the following thematic section – Recruitment, Education and Retention of Teachers: Issues and Challenges in the Eastern/Central Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia.

New Issue of HERB Now Available Online

Higher Education in Russia and Beyond (HERB) team presents the 8th issue of a journal aimed at bringing current Russian, Central Asian and Eastern European educational trends to the attention of the international research community. This issue covers the transformation of higher education in former Soviet republics.

HSE’s 'Foresight and STI Governance' among Top Russian Journals in Scopus' Research and Innovation Rankings

At the beginning of June, SCImago Journal and Country Rank announced its 2015 rankings of journals indexed in the international academic citation database Scopus. Foresight and STI Governance, a journal published by the Higher School of Economics, placed 115 in the new ranking. Less than three years ago, the journal placed into the second quartile in the Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) ranking, becoming the first Russian publication to rank in this category. In addition, Foresight was among the top-ten best Russian journals in the social sciences and humanities, according to the Scopus ranking.

Three HSE Journals to Be Indexed by Scopus

Three HSE journals — Public Administration Issues (Voprosy Gosudarstvennogo i Munitsypal’nogo Upravleniya), Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics (Psychologiya. Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly Economiki) and The Russian Sociological Review (Sociologicheskoye Obozreniye) — are to be indexed by Scopus. The editorial boards of these journals have already been officially notified by Elsevier.

Student Engagement and Academic Honesty among Topics Covered in Latest Issue of Leading HSE Journal

The beauty of the modern pool of ideas in the field of education lies in its multiple approaches, as well as diverse and occasionally conflicting opinions. As the leading Russian journal on education,  Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies  offers a space for the professional community worldwide to engage in rich discussion.

Higher Education in Russia and Beyond: Publish or Perish

The new issue of Higher Education in Russia and Beyond is now available. The topic of this issue is the already famous principle ‘publish or perish’, which is spreading fast across university systems all over the world.