Tag "student projects"

Scientarium: Integrating Student Scientific Associations and HSE University Projects

Scientarium: Integrating Student Scientific Associations and HSE University Projects
In early July, the Voronovo Study Centre hosted Scientarium, an off-site session for representatives of HSE University student research communities organised by the university’s Centre for Student Academic Development and Unit for the Popularisation of Science. More than 50 students from 10 scientific student associations and three campuses took part.

From Ingenious Fungi to Post-feminism: HSE University Hosts Season’s Last Science Battles Semi-Final

From Ingenious Fungi to Post-feminism: HSE University Hosts Season’s Last Science Battles Semi-Final
Season VI of Science Battles at HSE University is entering the homestretch. The June semi-final determined the list of finalists and helped many viewers choose their favourites. This time, young researchers decided to figure out how to conduct a police lineup without destroying a person’s life, as well as how to improve a child’s academic performance without instilling neurotic perfectionism. They also found out that fungi and mould help heal scars and save the environment, and that adherents of post-feminism have very mixed feelings about their own images on TikTok.

Winning Research Initiative Projects to be Implemented by the End of 2022

Winning Research Initiative Projects to be Implemented by the End of 2022
In April, the results of the Research Initiative student project competition were announced at HSE University. Twenty-two team applications were submitted by students of 20 different fields of study at HSE University’s campuses in Moscow, Perm, and Nizhny Novgorod. Based on the results of expert assessment, the competition committee approved 17 interdisciplinary projects to be implemented by December 2022.

Registration Opens for ‘Research Initiative’ Team Project Competition

Registration Opens for ‘Research Initiative’ Team Project Competition
The HSE Centre for Student Academic Development has started accepting applications for the third ‘Research Initiative’ student team research project competition. Bachelor’s and master’s students from all HSE campuses are eligible to participate. The competition gives students an opportunity to not only take on research roles, but also to try their hand at working as academic managers and supervisors of a small research team. Registration will remain open until February 28.

MIEM TechnoShow: ‘The University’s Key Objective is to Inspire Students to Create Something New’

AR-Navigation in the Building, Pavel Samoylenko’s project
With five hours of networking, 22 ‘video guest halls’, and over 800 visitors from 16 countries, this year’s MIEM TechnoShow was a spectacular online exhibition. Attendees could visit various ‘rooms’ to see the projects MIEM students had been working on this past academic year.