Tag " computer science"

HSE University Becomes the First Russian University to Confer a Doctoral Degree in Computer Science

HSE University Becomes the First Russian University to Confer a Doctoral Degree in Computer Science
Upon successfully defending his dissertation before HSE Dissertation Council in Computer Science, Pavel Dvurechensky became the first Doctor of Computer Science in Russia. This was possible thanks to the fact that, starting in 2018, HSE University received the right to award its own academic degrees.

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex
Four people have received this award for their achievements in the field of Computer Science: two HSE University graduate students, one doctoral student, and Sergei Obiedkov, Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Computer Science.

Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science Researchers Get Grant from RFBR and Royal Society

Researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science have won a competition organized by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge.

Computer Science Faculty Hosts Conference on Theoretical Computer Science

On June 14 the workshop ‘Complexity of Computation, Communication, Descriptions, and Proofs’, organized by the Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science, was held at HSE Faculty of Computer Sciences. The conference was organized as part of the major international conference ‘Computer Science in Russia’.

Machines Can See: International Summit on Computer Vision

On June 9, a summit was held on computer vision and deep learning ‘Machines can see’, organized by Sistema VC, Visionlabs, and the Strelka Institute. Dmitry Vetrov and Anton Konushin, staff members of HSE Faculty of Computer Science, were among the organizers of and speakers at the conference.

Interdisciplinary Seminar of the Strategic Academic Unit 'Mathematics, Computer Science, and Information Technology'

A regular research seminar aimed at sharing the results of research conducted as part of of the Strategic Academic Unit ‘Mathematics, Computer Science, and Information Technology’ and determining prospective interdisciplinary fields was recently held at HSE. This seminar will be organized regularly by different departments within the Strategic Academic Unit.

13th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications

On July 18-22 the 13th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications was held at HSE. The conference has been organized since 2002. This year it was held in Russia for the first time. The event was organized by the International Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Structural Analysis and the  School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence of HSE Faculty of Computer Science.
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