Tag "education"

We Have to Overcome the Crisis of Trust in Education

Yaroslav Kuzminov, HSE Rector and Head of the Russian Federation Public Chamber Commission on Education Development, participated in the discussion surrounding the draft annual report on the state of civil society in Russia.

Second Plenary Session of the XIV HSE April Conference: The Social Sphere in Search of Money and Ideas

The second day of the XIV HSE April Conference started with a plenary session on ‘Institutions and New Social Policy’. Problems of education, healthcare, and the labour market were discussed by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov, the Russian Minister of Education and Science Dmitri Livanov, Professor Simon Marginson of the University of Melbourne, and Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov.

Russia Holland Inter-University Partnership

On the 15th-16th November on the eve of the “Crossroads” Russia- Holland year, HSE held a conference for the directors of leading universities in Holland and Russia. “The Russia-Holland inter-university partnership: new academic and scientific priorities.”

Spaces for Education: Open and Functional

On October 30th at a regular ‘Topical Research and Development in Education’ seminar at the HSE Institute for Educational Studies, Alastair Blyth, Policy Analyst at OECD Centre for Effective Learning Environments, talked about  ‘Changes in perception of spaces for self-education, innovation and knowledge exchange’.

What Country is the Best for Professors?

On October 23rd 2012, the latest in a series of regular seminars ‘Topical research and development in education’ took place at the HSE Institute for Educational Studies. Martin Finkelstein, Professor at Seton Hall University (USA), spoke on ‘How the national context influences professors’ academic achievements and careers: a comparative analysis’.

About Global Leadership and Education

On September 10th the first after-summer seminar ‘Actual Research and Developments in Education’, took place as organized by the HSE Institute for Educational Studies. Sir Michael Barber, member of the HSE International Advisory Committee, spoke on ‘Oceans of Innovation: the Atlantic, the Pacific, Global Leadership and the Future of Education’.

Education in Figures: Pocket Data Book

The pocket data book contains main indicators characterizing trends in the development of preschool, general education, lower and secondary vocational education as well as higher and postgraduate professional education in the Russian Federation. It covers also key education indicators for the OECD countries.

‘The Idea is to Produce Excellent Researchers’

The International Laboratory for Educational Policy Research has been working at the HSE for more than a year. Its academic supervisor, Stanford University professor Martin Carnoy told us about the results of this year’s research, their forthcoming plans and the future of the laboratory.

AHELO: In Order to Be Precise in Evaluations

From November 23rd – 29th 2011, a training programme for national managers on the Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO) project took place at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) headquarters in Paris. The HSE is one of the coordinating universities for this project and representatives from our university attended this event.

Education as a Research Field

On October 28th and 29th the 2nd International Conference of Higher Education Researchers ‘Universities and State’ took place at the Higher School of Economics. The event was organized by the Russian Association for Tertiary Education Research with the support of the HSE.