Tag "education"

Free Will or Fate? Why Russian Children Rarely Switch Schools

High School No. 25, Krasnodar Region
Unlike many other countries, Russian children’s educational path is decided from an early age. Starting with the first grade, parents try to send their children to schools where they can remain until they graduate after either the 9th or 11th grades. Moreover, many families do not use the opportunity available to them to transfer their children to a better school partway through their education. The result is that inter-school mobility remains low and a child’s educational path is often hard-wired early on, HSE University sociologists in St. Petersburg found.

Following in the Parents’ Footsteps

Following in the Parents’ Footsteps
Children from families with high professional and educational status are twice as likely to enter a prestigious university as their peers from low-resource families, HSE University researchers have found. The ‘privileged’ adolescents benefit from strong family attitudes towards a good education, parental investment in their studies and the high academic performance associated with it. At the same time, even when they have good grades, students from poorly educated families do not even try to get into prestigious universities.

Swipe Left: What Teens Think about the Police, Government Officials, Parents and Teachers

Swipe Left: What Teens Think about the Police, Government Officials, Parents and Teachers
Government officials and the police are perceived as antiheroes, parents are more likely to be seen as positive characters, while classmates and teachers fall under the 'it's complicated' category. This is how high school students perceive members of significant social groups, according to a survey of 7,000 Russian school students aged 14 to 18.

Per Aspera — But Headed Where?

Per Aspera — But Headed Where?
Russian doctoral school — that only recently switched to the model of structured programmes — is once again at a crossroads. Which is better: the new model or traditional mentoring? And should postgraduate students be considered young scholars or ‘mature’ students? In her report to the Tenth International Russian Higher Education Conference, Natalia Maloshonok shared the views of doctoral research advisors on these and other questions.

General Assembly of International Academy of Education Meets at HSE Moscow

General Assembly of International Academy of Education Meets at HSE Moscow
On May 23-24, following the Days of the International Academy of Education held earlier this week, the General Assembly of the International Academy of Education took place at HSE University Moscow.  The assembly brings together education researchers and experts from all over the world, and this is the first time that the biannual meeting was held in Russia. Over the course of two days, members discussed joint projects and publications and met newly inducted members who had the opportunity to introduce themselves and present their research. Members also took part in small group discussions on a variety of topics, including digital literacy and math education.

International Education Experts Gather in Moscow

International Education Experts Gather in Moscow
On May 20, the Days of the International Academy of Education commenced at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Experts from all over the world engaged in identifying global education policy trends will hold a series of meetings, master classes, seminars and open lectures. They will share their experience with Russian researchers, instructors and education policy makers over the course of three days.

Odds of Success: How Engagement in Student Clubs Helps Undergraduates Find Good Employment

Odds of Success: How Engagement in Student Clubs Helps Undergraduates Find Good Employment
The more a student engages with various activities on campus, the higher their odds of success post-graduation. According to a study by HSE researchers, not only academic but also research and social engagement, such as participation in student organisations and events, can be linked to the development of critical thinking skills which are essential for general wellbeing as well as career advancement.

Fewer than Half of the Countries Provide Tuition-free Pre-primary Education

Researchers from the Higher School of Economics and UCLA Fielding School of Public Health’s WORLD Policy Analysis Center have found that 45% of countries, with only 15% of low-income countries, provide tuition-free pre-primary education. The results of the study will be published in the December 2018 issue of International Organisations Research Journal.

Control Groups: Teenagers’ Knowledge Can Be Predicted Based on Their Social Media Interests

Control Groups: Teenagers’ Knowledge Can Be Predicted Based on Their Social Media Interests
High school students’ membership in certain social media groups can be used to predict their academic performance, as demonstrated by Ivan Smirnov in his research. The analysis of school students’ membership in groups and communities was used to detect low-performing and high-performing students.

Bypass Manoeuvre: Ten Percent of Russian School Students Access Higher Education After Completing Vocational Track

Bypass Manoeuvre: Ten Percent of Russian School Students Access Higher Education After Completing Vocational Track
It is possible to enrol at a Russian university without sitting the Unified State Exam (USE) via a 'hybrid' vocational track originally created to encourage upward mobility of disadvantaged social groups. According to the authors of Slipping Past the Test: Heterogeneous Effects of Social Education in the Context of Inconsistent Selection Mechanisms in Higher Education, this pathway to university is also frequently used as a strategic option by students from upper-class families. These individuals constitute almost 40% of those entering university via a vocational track.