Tag "international cooperation"

On September 20-21, the Perm campus of the Higher School of Economics hosted the sixth International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare6), an event that focuses on research with applications to and implications for real-life problems. The conference acronym reflects its motto: iCare = I care.
'In fact, the Russian language is very logical and my task is to disclose this to my students', says Alevtina Iagodova who has been teaching Russian for over 20 years. At HSE University – St. Petersburg she gives Russian classes to exchange students, organizes a language club, and promotes the Russian culture awareness among foreigners. Recently, she has been invited by the University of Indonesia to lead a workshop in order to share her knowledge and experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language with the local colleagues.
The Higher School of Economics has joined the LHCb collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider, which is operated by the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The group from HSE will consist of researchers from the Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis (LAMBDA). This will give HSE researchers full access to data from the collaboration and allow the university to participate in various projects.
On November 23-24, 2017 the international scientific conference 'S.L. Frank: Postrevolutionary Downfall of Idols', organized by the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, was held.
In early October 2017, IOE hosted its first ever International Week of Education Law, a unique venue to take multiple perspectives on the best national and global practices in tackling the most pressing issues in education-related legal frameworks. Inspired and organized by the IOE Centre for Education Law, the event involved a series of talks and expert seminars by world-acclaimed field professionals.
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