Tag "international cooperation"
On March 27-29, 2017 the tenth annual conference ‘Functional Equations in Limoges 2017’ was held at the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Limoges (France).
Michael Daniel, Professor at the School of Linguistics and Nina Dobrushina, Head of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, spoke at Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage.
On February 2-3, 2017 the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg hosted the International Student Research Conference. The campus became a meeting point for young researchers and professors from Belarus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Norway, Portugal, Russia, the UK, and Ukraine. For two days, participants attended lectures delivered by keynote speakers, presented posters and discussed issues of social informatics, applied data analysis, regional planning and development, sustainable tourism and development, modern Asia, finance, economic growth, logistics, usable pasts and political science. Sessions covered a wide variety of research interests.
A special session entitled ‘Views on European regions in the history of Slavic studies’ has been included in the official programme of the 16th International Congress of Slavists at the International Committee of Slavists’ extended presidium meeting. This special session has been initiated and will be chaired by Leonid Gorizontov. Historians and philologists from Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Italy, and Germany will speak at the session.
From January 21 – 22, 2017, an international seminar ‘The Syrian and Middle East Regional Order: Russian, Syrian, and Turkish Perspectives’ took place in St. Petersburg and involved Russian, Turkish, and Syrian experts on the Middle East. The event was organized by the HSE Laboratory for Monitoring the Risks of Socio-Political Destabilization and the Department of Asian and African Studies at HSE in St. Petersburg, together with two leading Middle Eastern research centers: the OMRAN Center for Strategic Studies in Istanbul and the Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (ORSAM) in Ankara. This was the second time the three countries’ experts had met in this format, since last year’s meeting in Istanbul.
Elena Zemskova, Elena Ostrovskaya, Maya Kucherskaya, Alexey Vdovin, and Pavel Nerler spoke on various aspects of the history of Russian literature and culture.

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