Tag "gender studies"

The #imnotafraidtosay (Russian: #янебоюсьсказать) flashmob on Facebook and other online actions against sexual violence have helped victims to speak out about the problem and get psychological support from the web. At the same time, full frankness is hardly possible in such projects. It is directly related to anonymity. According to HSE researchers, the most painful experiences are still muted in groups where the discussants use their real names.
The idea of ageing well assumes that a mature individual remains active, healthy, and attractive. Society places this demand on women in particular. HSE researchers have published an article in Ageing & Society that looks at the strategies women over 50 choose.

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A predominance of women on a company's boards of directors can lead to a loss of flexibility in governance. Yet in times of change, for example during periods of rapid growth or crisis, women can make better leaders than men: they are more willing to take risks and tend to find more unconventional solutions, according to a report 'The Impact of Gender Diversity of the Board and Ownership Structure on Corporate Performance: Evidence from Western Europe' by HSE researchers Tatiana Ratnikova and Dmitry Gavrilov.
This year, a group of Russian scholars, published Women's History in Russia: (Re)Establishing the Field, which through a series of essays explores Russian gender and women’s history. The book’s editor, Marianna Muravyeva, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities recently spoke with the HSE news service about the book and the growing interest in women’s history among Russian scholars.
The book 'Class and gender in Russian welfare policies: Soviet legacies and contemporary challenges' by E.R. Iarskaia-Smirnova was published by the University of Gothenburg.