Tag "finance"

‘Our Task Is to Preserve the Market Segment as Much as Possible’

Ksenia Yudaeva
What risks is the Russian financial system facing today? What is the Central Bank of Russia going to do to mitigate them? Why do we need a high key rate? Has the regulator changed its approach to the building of forex reserves? Will the regulator remain hawkish on cryptocurrencies? Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Russia, answered these and other questions during a round table entitled ‘Russia’s Financial Sector under New Global Conditions’. The event was held as part of the XXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference.

The Cryptocurrency Market Works Like the Stock Market— Only Much Faster

The Cryptocurrency Market Works Like the Stock Market— Only Much Faster
After analysing the price fluctuations of almost 2,000 cryptocurrencies over seven years, Victoria Dobrynskaya, Associate Professor at the HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences, found that there are no fundamental differences between their behaviour and that of conventional assets. Cryptocurrency follows the same principles, although its prices change much faster: processes that usually take years on traditional markets take only a month or so on the cryptocurrency market. An article on this research was reprinted by SSRN.

Toys Prove to Be Better Investment Than Gold, Art, and Financial Securities

Toys Prove to Be Better Investment Than Gold, Art, and Financial Securities
Unusual ways of investment, such as collecting toys, can generate high returns. For example, secondary market prices of retired LEGO sets grow by 11% annually, which is faster than gold, stocks, and bonds, HSE University economists say. Their paper was published in the Research in International Business and Financejournal.

‘We Can Now Say That the Finance Conference Is Global’

‘We Can Now Say That the Finance Conference Is Global’
The 10th International Moscow Finance Conference, organized by HSE ICEF, took place on October 29–30 online. Vladimir Sokolov, Head of the International Laboratory of Financial Economics, which hosted the conference, talks about the participants, the key presentation topics and how they will impact the global economy.

Easy Finance: The State of Russian Fintech

Easy Finance: The State of Russian Fintech
According to forecasts, 96% of all payments and money transfers in Russia will be performed with the help of innovative services by 2035. The financial technology industry is trying to simplify interactions with money as much as possible. In this article, IQ.HSE draws on a report by the Centre of Development Institute to explain current developments in the fintech industry.

The Old Man and the Mortgage: On Fictional Characters' Financial Behaviour

The Old Man and the Mortgage: On Fictional Characters' Financial Behaviour
Alexandre Dumas reveals some causes of economic crises, Ernest Hemingway explores financial decision-making, and Fyodor Dostoevsky offers his reader a glimpse into the minds of stock market players. IQ.HSE continues to read fiction from an economists' perspective: HSE Assistant Professor Henry Penikas takes a fresh look at some literary classics.

Efficient, but Not without Help: How Russian State-owned Banks Differ from Their Foreign Counterparts

HSE University economists analyzed what banks performed best on the Russian market from 2004 to 2015 - state, private, or foreign-owned ones. They found out that during stable economic and political periods, foreign-owned banks tend to take the lead, while during a crisis period, such as from 2008 to 2013, state-owned banks outperformed them. The article was published in the  Emerging Markets Finance and Trade journal.

Russian Blue Chips Prove Their Pricing Potential

Russian Blue Chips Prove Their Pricing Potential
Researchers from HSE University and London Business School have carried out research into the dynamics of the prices for Russian companies’ stocks and depositary receipts. The research indicates that, thanks to their price differences, there are opportunities for profitable trading with zero or, at least, minimum risk.

Investment in LEGO Can Yield Returns of up to 600%

Investment in LEGO Can Yield Returns of up to 600%
Economists of the School of Finance of the Higher School of Economics Victoria Dobrynskaya and Yulia Kishilova analysed secondary market prices of the world-famous toy construction sets released from 1987-2014.

Intangible Assets are More Important Than Tangibles

The HSE School of Finance recently held a roundtable discussion dedicated to public non-financial reporting. The keynote presentation was delivered by Stefano Zambon, Professor at the University of Ferrara (Italy), who is also the Chairman of the World Intellectual Capital Initiative (WICI), a global network engaged in the systematization and dissemination of information on the intellectual capital indicators and modes for presenting it in non-financial reporting.