Tag "Japan"
On the 15th May, 2015 Shimada Nobuo gave a lecture at HSE on Japanese Military Culture. Shimada Nobuo brought some swords from his own workshop and allowed his audience to hold them while he talked about the enduring Japanese interest in weapons of war and the Japanese soul. Owner of the Yamashiroya gallery and specialist on ancient artefacts, Mr Nobuo advises the Japanese ministry of culture and works with the Hermitage and other museums in St Petersburg and around the world helping them with their Japanese collections. He gave his talk in Japanese with Russian translation. He gave this interview to the HSE News Service.
Professor Kyoji Fukao of the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo will give an honorary lecture on "The Structural Causes of Japan's Lost Decades" at the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He talked to HSE English News Website in the run up to the conference.
The sixth ‘New View’ conference for junior Japan experts has come to an end. The conference was organized by HSE’s School of Asian Studies together with the Japanese culture division of the Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (Japan Foundation) and the Association of Japanese Studies.
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