Tag "civil society"

Life in Russia According to Surveys

Life in Russia According to Surveys
Free education and social security appear to be more important for Russians than the freedom of expression or the freedom of movement. The majority of Russians, especially younger people, look to the state for assistance and choose responsible consumption merely as a way to save money. IQ.HSE selected nine facts about various aspects of people's lives based on findings from a nationwide representative survey conducted by the HSE Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector as part of the Monitoring of the Status of Civil Society project.

Muscovites and Residents of Moscow Oblast Ready to Be Socially Active

On February 13, the director of HSE’s Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Non-Profit Sector, Irina Mersiyanova, presented the results of the project entitled ‘Social Activity of Muscovites in Figures’. The research was conducted by the Centre in December 2017. 2018 has been proclaimed the Year of the Volunteer by the President of the Russian Federation.

First Russian Translation Released of Lester Salamon’s Book on Philanthropy’s Big Bang

On September 21, the first Russian translation was released of the book Leverage for Good: An Introduction to the New Frontiers of Philanthropy and Social Investment by HSE professor and the head of the Laboratory for Non-profit Sector Studies, Lester Salamon.

12th ISTR Conference: HSE Researchers Presented Record Number of Papers

The 12th International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) Conference took place in Stockholm and was entitled ‘The Third Sector in Transition:Accountability, Transparency, and Social Inclusion’. The conference is held biannually and is a major academic event in its field.


of Russians believe that ordinary customers shouldn’t worry about product manufacturing having a negative effect on the environment, people or animals. Instead, they believe that this should be a concern for the state and businesses.


of Russians are not currently willing to pay additionally for goods that are produced in line with ethical principles (e.g., respect for the environment, respect for workers' rights, refusal to test cosmetics on animals, etc.).
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