Tag "China"

The China Puzzle: Building Business with the Celestial Empire

The China Puzzle: Building Business with the Celestial Empire
Cooperation with Chinese partners in all spheres of the economy is reaching a new qualitative level. At the same time, Russian entrepreneurs often lack knowledge about the specifics of doing business with China. Ways to solve this problem and strengthen the bilateral partnership were discussed at the ‘Russia—China: Business in a Multipolar World’ forum held at HSE University.

HSE University to Host First ‘Russia—China: Business in a Multipolar World’ International Forum

HSE University to Host First ‘Russia—China: Business in a Multipolar World’ International Forum
Experts from Russia and China will discuss new challenges and opportunities for business cooperation between the two countries, including those using advanced digital technologies. The event will take place on September 28 at the HSE building on Pokrovsky Bulvar. The forum is expected to be held annually.

‘Chinese Crisis’ at Western Universities: Why the U.S. Is Losing Students from China

‘Chinese Crisis’ at Western Universities: Why the U.S. Is Losing Students from China
Experts have noticed declining Chinese cooperation with Western partners in higher education. Students from the world’s leading exporter of students now have a preference for their national universities. But many Western universities depend on the inflow of Chinese students, and a decrease in numbers may slow their development. In a recent paper, Philip G. Altbach offered his reflections on U.S. universities’ ‘Chinese crisis.’

HSE and China’s National Institute of Education Sciences Launch Joint Education Project

HSE and China’s National Institute of Education Sciences Launch Joint Education Project
Russian and Chinese researchers will join forces to study the two countries’ education systems and develop possible strategies for their further modernisation over the period to 2030, in a new joint project set to run for a decade.

World War II in China — Seriously Understudied History

On 22 January, 2016 Judd Kinzley, Assistant Professor at the Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA gave a presentation, ‘Wartime Atrocities and the Historical Legacies of World War II in China’at the academic seminar of the HSE International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences.

‘A Workshop Like This Is Not Only a Show of Results, But Also a Discussion of New Ideas’

In October 2012, the Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA) and the Higher School of Economics held an international workshop ‘Labor Market Adjustment in the Commonwealth of Independent States, Central Asia and China in the Wake of the Great Recession’. Vladimir Gimpelson, Director of the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies, spoke to us about the event and its results.
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