Tag "corruption"

On June 5, research fellows at the HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) took part in the 3rd International Conference ‘Business Ethics and National Models of Behavior’, which was held at the Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance.
Prof. Dr. Christian Welzel's (Leuphana University, Laboratory of Comparative Social Research at the HSE — Saint Petersburg) research focuses on the question of how ordinary people’s value orientations vary across the political cultures of contemporary societies in a global comparative perspective. The HSE English language News Service asked Professor Welzel to tell us more about how he sees the problem of corruption.
The more income a policeman and his family earn, the less open he is to corruption. Tatiana Karabchuk report “Wages and unofficial payments in the police: a comparative analysis in Russia, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria and Latvia”.
If the majority of a country’s population moved from values of survival to values of self-expression, individuals with both types of values will try to avoid corrupt behaviour. But if, as in Russia, values of survival prevail in society, individuals with values of self-expression are inclined to act corruptly. This is the conclusion of a study by Maria Kravtsova and Alexey Oshchepkov.