The Higher School of Economics has entered the Expert Analytical Centre’s ranking in 10 subjects. The ranking studies the research productivity of Russian universities. In five subject areas, the university has taken first position in the ranking.
Tag "university ranking"
On September 5, 2013, at a press conference held at RIA Novosti, the results of a 2013 monitoring study on enrollment in state-funded places in Russian public universities were presented. The study was prepared by the HSE and RIA Novosti and commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Interest in international education ranking is growing all over the world, and universities are trying their best to take higher positions. At the same time, the objectivity of the global rankings increasingly gives rise to doubts. Igor Chirikov, Director of the HSE Center of Internal Monitoring, tells HSE news service what they take into account and what they don’t, and what the alternatives are.
On October 18th 2011, as part of the preliminary programme of the 3rd International Conference of the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers, Professor Nian Cai Liu, author of the world-renowned Shanghai University Ranking, gave a lecture at the HSE.