Tag "physics"

Co-nonsolvency Explained: Researchers Publish Ground-breaking Findings

Co-nonsolvency Explained: Researchers Publish Ground-breaking Findings
Researchers from the Higher School of Economics and the University of Leipzig have created a model which enables the timely and effective prediction of polymer behavior in mixed solvents. This is the first scientific work to explain, using statistical mechanics, the effect of suppression of co-nonsolvency at high pressures. The findings have been published in the journal Soft Matter.

HSE MIEM Professor Elected Fellow of American Physical Society

HSE MIEM Professor Elected Fellow of American Physical Society
The American Physical Society (APS) has recognised HSE MIEM Professor Lev Shchur for his innovative use of computer simulations and the development of superior random number generators for their use in statistical physics. Professor Shchur is the only academic working in Russia to be selected as APS Fellow in 2017.

Frontiers of Low Temperature Physics

On August 17th-21st, 2017 the International Conference ‘ULT 2017: Frontiers of Low Temperature Physics’ was held at Heidelberg University. Maxim Kagan, Professor at HSE School of Electronic Engineering took part in the event.

Second International Conference on Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond

On October 9-12, 2017 HSE holds the Second International Conference on Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond. Lev Shchur, the conference organizer, Professor at HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE), spoke about the event and its programme.

Alexei Starobinsky, Professor in Faculty of Physics, Elected Foreign Associate at U.S. National Academy of Sciences

Alexei Starobinsky, Professor in Faculty of Physics, Elected Foreign Associate at U.S. National Academy of Sciences
Alexei Starobinsky, Professor in the HSE Faculty of Physics, has been elected Foreign Associate at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Previously, he has served as an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences of Germany (Leopoldina), the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and two Indian academies – the Indian National Science Academy (New Delhi) and the National Academy of Sciences (Allahabad).

HSE Experts Investigate How Order Emerges From Chaos

HSE Experts Investigate How Order Emerges From Chaos
Igor Kolokolov and Vladimir Lebedev, scientific experts from HSE’s Faculty of Physics and the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, have developed an analytical theory, which binds the structure of coherent vortices formed due to inverse cascades in 2-D turbulence with the statistical properties of hydrodynamic fluctuations. Uncovering this link can be useful in identifying the causes of the particular characteristics of such atmospheric phenomena as cyclones and anticyclones. Their research is presented in an article published in the ‘Journal of Fluid Mechanics’.

Sociologists Outlined Institutional Landscape of Russian Physics

Sociologists Outlined Institutional Landscape of Russian Physics
Social scientists from National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) measured scientific capital of 39 physics institutions of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). More detailed information about research results can be found in the journal Scientometrics.

'I Have Been Happy from the First Moment'

Takashi Takebe is a Research Fellow at the International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics and Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics. He has been at HSE since 2009. He is a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Tokyo. He spoke to HSE News in English service about the unpredictability of life for international academics in Moscow, about teaching mathematics to Russians, the problems of language and cycling tours.

How Programmers Help Unravel the Secrets of Physics

How Programmers Help Unravel the Secrets of Physics
The Summer School on Machine Learning in High Energy Physics, which was co-organised by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Russian internet company Yandex, has ended. Below, the Head of HSE's Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis, Andrey Ustyuzhanin, talks about the various ways in which physicists and programmers cooperate. He also discusses how researchers from HSE and Yandex have been participating in CERN experiments and how ordinary smartphone users can help unravel the secrets of the universe.

MIEM Experts Help Detect Weapons Remotely

More reliable than a metal detector and safer than X-rays, a Terahertz scanner designed by HSE MIEM researchers allows the detection of items hidden under clothing, such as drugs and explosives, imperceptibly, without walk-through scanners and at a considerable distance. A highly sensitive THz receiver is capable of detecting waves emitted by the human body.