Tag "data analysis"

‘Bots Are Simply Imitators, not Artists’: How to Distinguish Artificial Intellect from a Real Author

‘Bots Are Simply Imitators, not Artists’: How to Distinguish Artificial Intellect from a Real Author
Today, text bots like ChatGPT are doing many tasks that were originally human work. In our place, they can rewrite ‘War and Peace’ in a Shakespearean style, write a thesis on Ancient Mesopotamia, or create a Valentine’s Day card. But is there any way to identify an AI-generated text and distinguish it from works done by a human being? Can we catch out a robot? The Deputy Head of the HSE School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, Professor of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science Vasilii Gromov explained the answer in his lecture ‘Catch out a Bot, or the Large-Scale Structure of Natural Intelligence’ for Znanie intellectual society.

HSE and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Agree on Joint Research Projects

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
HSE University-St Petersburg and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), a leading Indian university, have agreed to launch joint research projects in the field of social, political studies, humanities, and data analysis for master's students. On the Russian side, this work will be coordinated by the HSE St Petersburg School of Social Sciences.

HSE Students Win Awards at the Kaggle International Data Science Competition

HSE Students Win Awards at the Kaggle International Data Science Competition
Ekaterina Melianova and Artyom Volgin, second-year students of the Master’s programme ‘Applied Statistics with Network Analysis’, took second place in an international data analysis competition. Using a Kaggle survey of 19,717 respondents from 171 countries, they analyzed the community of PhD degree holders in Data Science.

HSE Becomes LHCb Associate Member at CERN

The Higher School of Economics has joined the LHCb collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider, which is operated by the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The group from HSE will consist of researchers from the Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis (LAMBDA). This will give HSE researchers full access to data from the collaboration and allow the university to participate in various projects.

Computers to Spot Pedophiles

Computers to Spot Pedophiles
Concept lattices can help spot pedophiles on the web. Researchers of the HSE's Department of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence have helped the Dutch police create a computer program that can detect internet pedophiles and even determine how dangerous they can be.

Highlights from 4 th LCSR Summer School

The 4th Summer School of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) was centered around Categorical Data Analysis and saw the participation of more than 40 junior academics from universities and research centres of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Italy, Germany, Poland, Romania, Israel and the U.S.