Tag "volunteering"

Research Results from HSE University Form Basis of UN Report on Volunteering

Research Results from HSE University Form Basis of UN Report on Volunteering
The first Regional State of Volunteering in Central Asia Review was presented at the UN Headquarters in New York as part of the annual High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. The preparation of this document included the research conducted by the HSE Centre for Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector (CSCSNS), with Viacheslav Ivanov, the Chief Expert of the Centre, serving as the lead author of the review.

Why Volunteers Keep Coming Back

Why Volunteers Keep Coming Back
HSE University researchers together with colleagues from Erasmus University in Rotterdam and the University of Pennsylvania examined the determinants of episodic volunteer satisfaction and its impact on the motivation to continue volunteering.

Researchers from HSE University Compare Motivations of Volunteers at Winter Olympics in Sochi and Beijing

Researchers from HSE University Compare Motivations of Volunteers at Winter Olympics in Sochi and Beijing
The Sochi 2014 Olympics volunteer programme involved 25,000 people. It was the first such volunteer project in Russia and was organised with support from the government, educational institutions and non-profit organizations.

Inherited Altruism: How the Family Supports the Culture of Volunteering

Inherited Altruism: How the Family Supports the Culture of Volunteering
The main channel for transmitting the value of volunteerism in Russia is from parents to children, HSE University researchers have found. Younger generations in families begin helping others as they grow up, following the example set by their elders.

Muscovites and Residents of Moscow Oblast Ready to Be Socially Active

On February 13, the director of HSE’s Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Non-Profit Sector, Irina Mersiyanova, presented the results of the project entitled ‘Social Activity of Muscovites in Figures’. The research was conducted by the Centre in December 2017. 2018 has been proclaimed the Year of the Volunteer by the President of the Russian Federation.

HSE Researchers Contribute to Academic Guide to Volunteering and Non-Commercial Organizations

Leading international academic publisher Palgrave has published the Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations. The team at the HSE Centre for Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector (CSCSNS) was involved in preparing this publication: HSE researchers are co-authors of a number of chapters. 
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