The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge has carried out an analysis of ranking of countries by publication activity in the social sciences.
Tag "social sciences"
On October 12-13 "'Academic Revolutions?' Understanding conceptual renewal and institutional innovation in the Modern World" conference was held in IGITI. The goal of the conference was to discuss issues in such fields as the history of natural and social sciences and humanities as well as contemporary sociology of knowledge and sociology of ideas in their application to changes in scientific outlook and academic practices since the early modern period, including the Big Science and the trends of the twenty-first century.
On December 12-24 a series of workshops on experimental methods for researchers by Prashant Loyalka, Leading Research Fellow of the International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis at the HSE Graduate School of Education took place at HSE Institute of Education. He also delivered a series of lectures on ‘Quasi-experimental Research in Education’ for master’s students in Educational and Psychological Measurement.
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