
Decision-making Rules Least Susceptible to Manipulation, According to Science

Decision-making Rules Least Susceptible to Manipulation, According to Science
HSE researchers have used computer modelling to demonstrate the varying manipulability of decision-making procedures and to identify those least susceptible to manipulation. Their findings are published in the paper 'Manipulability of Majority Relation-based Collective Decision Rules'.

Launch of the Website of the Atlas of Multilingualism of Daghestan

Employees of the international convergence laboratory are working on an Atlas of Multilingualism of Daghestan. With support of the laboratory and the Collegium de Lyon a website was created recently, which can be used as a resource for the research of social and georgraphical particularities of multilingualism in Daghestan.

HSE Scholars Speak at Conference on Applied Psychology in Singapore

On June 29 – 30, 2017, an international Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP2017) took place in Singapore. Psychologists from 14 countries took part in the event. A paper by Natalia Antonova, Associate Professor at HSE, and Vladislav Gorbov, HSE graduate, received the Best Paper Award.

How Corporate Values ​​Affect Bank Profits

How Corporate Values ​​Affect Bank Profits
According to international studies, values can impact corporate performance and the bottom line either directly or indirectly. In the paper 'Corporate Values ​​and Profits of Commercial Banks: Correlation with Profits', Elena Prosvirkina and Nikolai Prosvirkin have examined the corporate values commonly declared by Russian banks and found that the widely held values of customer focus and efficiency can bring competitive advantage, but do not impact financial performance directly.

HSE Nizhny Novgorod Hosts Fourth International Conference in Econometrics

HSE Nizhny Novgorod Hosts Fourth International Conference in Econometrics
From June 22 – 24, 2017, the 4th international conference in econometrics ‘Modern Econometric Tools and Applications’ took place at HSE in Nizhny Novgorod. Andrey Maximov, Professor, Head of theDepartment of Economic Theory and Econometrics and chair of the conference organizing committee, shared a brief overview of what the event achieved.

HSE’s Yulia Ivanova and Pavel Sokolov Present Seminars at University of Cologne

Yulia Ivanova and Pavel Sokolov, Leading Research Fellows at the HSE Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, conducted three seminars for the students of the University of Cologne’s Slavic Department on June 27 and 28. The aim of the HSE researchers was to inform students about the relations between Rus and Italy during the Middle Ages and the early Modern period, as well as shed light on some facts of how Italian culture was perceived in Russia from the 18th through the 20th centuries.

HSE Researchers Take Part in ‘Economics of Football’ Conference

On June 23-24, the international conference ‘Economics of Football’ was held in Kazan. This event was organized by the Higher School of Economics (HSE), the New Economic School and Kazan Federal University. Angel Barajas, Dennis Coates, Elena Shakina, Petr Parshakov, Iuliia Naidenova and Anna Bykova, staff members of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, participated in the conference. The researchers presented papers and worked as moderators, discussants and key speakers at various sessions and workshops.

How Alcohol Affects Life Expectancy

Widespread consumption of toxic surrogate alcohols is not the only cause of lethal alcohol poisoning in Russia; even more important may be the country’s ‘culture of drinking'. This habit of drinking large quantities of strong spirits – such as vodka, brandy or whiskey – often leads to dangerous intoxication and early death.

Second International Conference 'Digital Transformation & Global Society' (DTGS’17)

The Second International Conference 'Digital Transformation & Global Society' (DTGS’17) was held between 21 and 23 June, 2017, to address various issues of information society development. The conference was co-organized by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg) and the ITMO University.

Second World Congress of Comparative Economics

The Second World Congress of Comparative Economics '1917 –2017: Revolution and Evolution in Economic Development' took place at the Higher School of Economics between 15 and 17 June 2017. After the successful First World Congress held in Rome in June 2015, the HSE campus in St Petersburg had the honour of hosting the second gathering of leading comparative economists from all over the globe.