
Lecturers of HSE School of Linguistics Held Day of Caucasian Languages in Lyon

Michael Daniel, Professor at the School of Linguistics and Nina Dobrushina, Head of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, spoke at Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage.

XVIII April Conference to Discuss ‘Hidden Champions’, Building Social Networks, and the Economics of Sport

From April 11 to 14, HSE is holding its XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Conference Programme Committee members Fuad Alekserov and Andrei Yakovlev discuss the key themes and main reports that will be presented at the conference. This conference will draw around 2,000 people, including 200 international participants.

HSE School of Linguistics Book on Animal Sounds Published by University of Provence

The book ‘Verba sonandi: Représentation linguistique des cris d'animaux’ edited by Ekaterina Rakhilina, Head of HSE School of Linguistics, has been published by the Publications de l'Université de Provence. 

International Experience in Education and Human Capital Growth

On April 11, Brian McCall, Professor of Education, Economics and Public Policy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, will present at the XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development in a section entitled ‘Evaluation of reforms in education’. Prof. McCall’s research has covered the economics of education, education inequality, and other topics. He spoke with the HSE News Service ahead of his presentation about his research and the trends he currently sees internationally.

Researchers Offer Novel Method for Calculating the Benefits of Renewable Energy

Researchers Offer Novel Method for Calculating the Benefits of Renewable Energy
Researchers from the Higher School of Economics (HSE) have developed a novel system for assessing the potential of renewable energy resources. This method can help to assess the future exploitable technical potential of wind and solar PV energy, as well as their capacity to replace exiting generation assets. Furthermore, it can forecast fossil fuel savings and facilitate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Their research has been published in journal Energy: “Wind and Solar PV Technical Potentials: Measurement Methodology and Assessments for Russia”.

HSE Research Teams to Receive Russian Science Foundation Grants in 2017

The Russian Science Foundation has announced winners of its latest grant competition to support basic scientific research and exploratory scientific research conducted by research teams.

Values Evolution: East Still to Catch Up with West

Values Evolution: East Still to Catch Up with West
Since World War II, people in many countries have enjoyed a better sense of wellbeing, which has resulted in survival values giving way to emancipation values. Threats no longer lurk at every turn, and each new generation sees more opportunities and fewer barriers to empowerment. The book Freedom Rising by LCCR Chief Research Fellow Christian Welzel offers some ideas on how widespread this process is, whether it is irreversible and where human emancipation can lead.

Exploring New Approaches to Higher Education in Russia

Martha C. Merrill, Associate Professor of Higher Education at Kent State University (USA), will present at the upcoming XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development during a section entitled ‘Education in Russia and CIS countries through the prism of global trends’. She spoke with the HSE News Service ahead of the conference about her extensive research on both Russian higher education and comparative research that she has undertaken in Central Asia.

New Issue of 'Foresight and STI Governance' is Available

The new issue of Foresight and STI Governance presents various aspects of the corporate sector’s innovation-based development: approaches to conducting Foresight studies, market evaluation of research-intensive companies, intellectual capital’s impact on firms’ performance. International experts assess the prospects for transboundary academic cooperation in the context of global geopolitical processes, and propose an 'intelligent leadership' model for state universities.

Analysing BRICS Media and Creative Industries

On April 11, Dr Daya Thussu, Professor of International Communication and Co-Director of India Media Centre at the Communication and Media Research Institute (University of Westminster) will speak at the XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. His presentation, entitled ‘Creative industries in BRICS nations and glocalization of content’, is part of a panel session on Global corporations and local media content producers on newly emerging markets: technological and creative aspects. In addition to his academic role at the University of Westminster, he serves as the Managing Editor of the journal ‘Global Media and Communication’.