
What Russians Tell Tourists about their Towns

What Russians Tell Tourists about their Towns
Residents of provincial Russian towns put it differently when talking about their towns to Muscovites, foreigners, and tourists from other Russian regions. Such an ‘individual approach’ is spontaneous and may be useful in creating city tourist brands, concluded Nadezhda Radina as a result of her experiment, which involved over 800 residents of Russian provinces.

HSE Researchers Contribute to Academic Guide to Volunteering and Non-Commercial Organizations

Leading international academic publisher Palgrave has published the Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations. The team at the HSE Centre for Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector (CSCSNS) was involved in preparing this publication: HSE researchers are co-authors of a number of chapters. 

Can Nicotine Help to Treat Schizophrenia?

Can Nicotine Help to Treat Schizophrenia?
Several studies have indicated that schizophrenic patients are likely to show high levels of nicotine dependence. Scientists from Higher School of Economics (HSE), Institut Pasteur, the CNRS, Inserm and the ENS employed a mouse model to elucidate how nicotine influences cells in the prefrontal cortex. They visualized how nicotine has a direct impact on the restoration of normal activity in nerve cells (neurons) involved in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. These findings were published in a paper that appeared in the journal Nature Medicine.

IOE Researchers Speak at 2017 CIES Conference in Atlanta

On March 5–9, 2017, the U.S. city of Atlanta, Georgia hosted the 2017 Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Seeking the most diverse engagement in the venue’s multiple opportunities for expertise exchange, debate, and academic networking, a representative team of experts with IOE’s leading research & advisory centres joined this year’s CIES event. Presentations were given by Isak Froumin, Oleg Leshukov, Elena Minina, Pavel Sorokin, Zumrad Kataeva, Martin Carnoy, Tatiana Khavenson, and Andrey Zakharov.

Examining Gender Discrimination in Labour Markets

This year’s April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, taking place from April 11-14 at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, will cover the most pressing issues relating to Russia’s social and economic development. This year, gender issues are addressed in a number of presentations, including during a special session entitled ‘Gender, socialization, ageism’ taking place on the morning of April 13.

Leading Causes of Death in Moscow

Leading Causes of Death in Moscow
While mortality in Moscow is much lower than in other Russian regions, it does not compare favourably with death statistics observed in metropolitan areas of other countries, according to Evgeny Andreev, Ekaterina Kvasha and Tatiana Kharkova, Senior Research Fellow of the HSE Institute of Demography Centre for Demographic Studies.

Renowned Strategy Expert to Speak on the Making of Champions at April Conference

Hermann Simon, chairman of Simon-Kucher & Partners Strategy & Marketing Consultants, will present at the upcoming XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development in Moscow. His presentation, entitled ‘Hidden Champions – the Vanguard of Globalia’, will be held during the Firms and Markets section on Tuesday, April 11.

Russians with Degrees: Where Are They Employed?

Russians with Degrees: Where Are They Employed?
Russia has a problem with the under-utilisation of education. Almost 30% of employees with university degrees report no connection whatsoever between their training and current occupation, according to Elena Varshavskaya's paper 'Where and in what jobs highly educated Russians work.'

Alcoholism May Be Caused by Dynamical Dopamine Imbalance

Alcoholism May Be Caused by Dynamical Dopamine Imbalance
Researchers from the Higher School of Economics, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, Indiana University and the Russian Academy of Sciences Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Applied Physics have identified potential alcoholism mechanisms, associated with altered dopaminergic neuron response to complex dynamics of prefrontal cortex neurones affecting dopamine release.

Interdisciplinary Seminar of the Strategic Academic Unit 'Mathematics, Computer Science, and Information Technology'

A regular research seminar aimed at sharing the results of research conducted as part of of the Strategic Academic Unit ‘Mathematics, Computer Science, and Information Technology’ and determining prospective interdisciplinary fields was recently held at HSE. This seminar will be organized regularly by different departments within the Strategic Academic Unit.