
Mandelstam Centre: 2016 Results

2016 marked 125 years since the birth of Osip Mandelstam. Pavel Polian (Nerler), Director of the Mandelstam Centre, summarized the results of its years’ work

Higher Education in Russia and Beyond 4(10) Winter 2016 is out

This issue Computer Science: History of Emerging Discipline is dedicated to contemporary computer science education in Russia.

New International Laboratories Opening up at HSE

New International Laboratories Opening up at HSE
On December 23, 2016, the HSE Academic Council approved the creation of four new laboratories: the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, the International Laboratory for Population and Health Studies, the International Laboratory of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods, and the International Laboratory for Supercomputer Atomistic Modelling and Multi-scale Analysis.

Eight Most Unexpected HSE Research Findings of the Year

Sometimes the researchers’ findings might seem unusual. IQ.hse.ru publishes a compilation of the most unexpected results of the research carried out by HSE faculty or presented at HSE conferences in 2016.

What to Expect in 2017

What to Expect in 2017
On the eve of New Year’s, it is customary to take a look into the near future. We asked HSE experts in various fields to share their forecasts on which areas of research might be the most interesting and promising in 2017. They tell us about what discoveries and breakthroughs await us in 2017, as well as how this could even change our lives.

HSE Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism Publishes New Journal

The new academic journal is entitled ‘Urban Studies and Practices’. The first issue came out this September.  Now a call for papers for special issue on Migrants and the City has been announced. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2017.

How to Avoid Study Burnout

How to Avoid Study Burnout
During the first year of studies, students already often feel disappointed and exhausted. Such burnout in freshman students can be caused by many reasons, such as an abundance of tasks, new classmates, the ‘wrong’ subjects, and even comments left by classmates on social media. Not everyone can manage their reactions to these situations.

Innovation-based Development: Prospects and Tools

The new issue of Foresight and STI Governance (2016, vol. 10, No. 4) presents the results of Russian-based studies to assess import substitution prospects, discuss the current state of the knowledge-intensive business services sector, and looks at the impact of fixed-term employment contracts on companies’ innovation activities. Furthermore, international experts share their methodological recommendations on boosting the effectiveness of European innovation policy, and designing technology development strategies.

HSE Researchers Uncover Why Morning People Should Not Work at Night

HSE Researchers Uncover Why Morning People Should Not Work at Night
It has been known for a long time that early risers work less efficiently at night than night owls do. But researchers from the Higher School of Economics and Oxford University have uncovered new and distinctive features between the night activities of these two types of individuals. At night, early risers demonstrate a quicker reaction time when solving unusual attention-related tasks than night owls, but these early risers make more mistakes along the way.

Educational Studies Moscow Indexed in Scopus

The decision was made by the Scopus Expert Council after a two-year examination of the journal published by HSE. The editorial board of the journal Educational Studies Moscow applied for indexing in the Scopus database in 2014 (the application process takes a long time). The Scopus Expert Council has regularly monitored the journal’s development over the two years since the application was made. There are strict requirements for paper and e-formats of the journal, as well as for the quality of research results published.