
Big Data: Prospects for Russian-French Cooperation in Science and Technology

Participants of the ‘Big Data Applications’ research workshop, which took place in the beginning of December, discussed big data and prospects for Russian-French cooperation in this area. The workshop, held at HSE, brought together about 50 participants from leading research centres, universities, governmental bodies and IT companies in both Russia and France.

Hormone Levels Influence Demand for Financial Services

Hormone Levels Influence Demand for Financial Services
The integration of economics and biology is an emerging trend in 21st century science. A number of studies were published in the early 2000s exploring the effects of psycho-physiological variables, such as hormone levels, on individual performance in various fields. Several papers have associated the ratio of second digit (index finger) to fourth digit (ring finger) length (2D:4D ratio) with exposure to prenatal testosterone, the male hormone produced by the maternal body and influencing the foetal development.

HSE Acknowledged as Most Cited Russian University in 2016

Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters Intellectual Property & Science business) has awarded the most influential Russian researchers and research centres.

'I Am Happy the Conference on Caucasian Languages Finally Took Place in Moscow'

'I Am Happy the Conference on Caucasian Languages Finally Took Place in Moscow'
At the end of November, HSE School of Linguistics hosted the Uslar Conference — an international event for scholars studying the Caucasian languages. Participants and organizers have shared their impressions with HSE News.

Fishing Easier Than Swimming

Fishing Easier Than Swimming
HSE researchers found different patterns of brain activity involved in processing instrumental and non-instrumental verbs.

'HSE Linguistics Students Have Really Good Methodological Background'

'HSE Linguistics Students Have Really Good Methodological Background'
Professor Geeraerts visited HSE School of Linguistics in November to deliver a course on cognitive sociolinguistics for students of Bachelor's programme in Fundamental and Computational Linguistics and Master’s programme in Linguistic Theory and Language Description and hold individual consultations. The visit was initiated by Nina Dobrushina (School of Linguistics). Prof Geeraets has also been long acquainted with Ekaterina Rakhilina, the Head of the School of Linguistics.

Public Administration Discussion Meeting Series Continues with Lecture on Clientelism in Central and Eastern Europe

On December 5, HSE’s School of Public Administration held a lecture by Szabolcs Pasztor, Assistant Professor at the National University of Public Service (NUPS) (Budapest, Hungary), entitled ‘Clientelism in Central and Eastern Europe’. The lecture was the tenth event in the School’s Public Administration Discussion Meeting series, which aims to bring international scholars to HSE and increase global cooperation.

'Golden Reference' Recognizes HSE's Most Important Research

Ingrid van de Stadt
HSE and the publishing house Elsevier have inaugurated the Golden Reference award to recognize researchers whose articles are most cited and which have the greatest influence on the development of research and society. Ingrid van de Stadt, Regional Director for Marketing at Elsevier, has talked to HSE News Service about how best to evaluate the quality of academic publications, and what is often left out of this evaluation.

Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaya Discusses Tolstoy.Digital at Lausanne Workshop

On November 23-25 a research seminar on literary studies ‘Etats des Etudes Litteraires: Theories, Methodologies, Pratiques’ was held in Lausanne, Switzerland. Anastasiya Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Associate Professor at the School of Linguistics presented a report on Tolstoy.Digital – a project dedicated to producing a digital edition of the complete works by Leo Tolstoy.

Examining Educational and Career Choices & Trajectories through the Lens of Culture and Sociology

How are students and graduates adjusting and adapting to the realities in their educational and career trajectories? What role does culture play in the sociology of education? How are attitudes towards higher education changing? These are just some of the many questions being addressed over the course a two-day conference entitled ‘Cultural Sociology and Education: Meanings, Choices and Trajectories’ that is being held on December 1-2 at the HSE Institute of Education in Moscow. HSE News Service has spoken to two conference participants, James Hurlbert of Yale University and Amy Binder from University of California, San Diego.