
Ensuring Clean Water Is the Only ‘Water Issue’ That Can Be Currently Solved

According to participants in the recent BRICS Water Forum, out of all of the global challenges in regards to water resource management through the use of technological breakthroughs, only keeping water clean can be guaranteed at the moment.

Two Literatures Met at Pushkin Apartment

The National Pushkin Museum at its famous home on on Moyka Embankment was the platform for the first Polish-Russian interdisciplinary seminar ‘Methods of Textual Criticism and Models of Poetics’. The seminar was co-organized by the museum, HSE in St. Petersburg, Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language, Russian Academy of Sciences.

International Symposium on Development and Governance in BRICS

On September 24-25, the International Symposium on Development and Governance in BRICS was held at Fudan University in Shanghai.  The event was organized with the support of the Chinese Society for Public Sector Reform.

Extreme Urbanism in St. Petersburg

Experts from HSE’s Moscow and St. Petersburg campuses participated in the 2nd International Spatial Development Forum, which took place September 24 – 27, 2016, in St. Petersburg. The key topic of the forum was ‘Extreme Urbanism’.

Studying Medicine in the Humanities

At the most recent Andrey Poletayev Memorial Readings held by the Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities (IGITI), participants discussed the relationship between the natural sciences and the social sciences. HSE Professor Elena Vishlenkova tells us why scholars in the humanities are interested in the natural sciences and what contribution they can make to this field.

HSE Scholars at 29 th Consortium of Higher Education Researchers Conference

The Annual Conference of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers, CHER, is a key event in higher education research in Europe. Traditionally, CHER has attracted the best researchers and experts with a unique opportunity to learn about cutting-edge studies in the field, as well as to present their own research to the global community. This year’s conference took place from September 4 to 7, 2016, in Cambridge, England. A group of staff from the HSE Institute of Education took part in the event, including Isak Froumin, Igor Chirikov, Mikhail Lisyutkin, Dmitry Semyonov, Daria Platonova, Ksenia Romanenko, and Tatiana Semenova.

Pets Can Help Families Deal with Relationship Problems

Pets Can Help Families Deal with Relationship Problems
The decision to get a family pet tends to be associated with children’s growing-up crises. According to the researchers, many parents adopt a cat or a dog at a time when their son or daughter is going through a major change, such as starting school or entering puberty. At such times, the child's attitudes towards themselves and the outside world can change drastically, causing anxiety in the family. Research suggests that pets can help both parents and children cope with stress. The study's findings are published in the paper 'The likelihood of getting a family pet depending on the age of children.'

Recent HSE Conference Offers Seminar on Education and Development

On September 16, the Centre for Cultural Sociology and Anthropology of Education (HSE Institute of Education) held a seminar entitled ‘Trajectories and Educational Choice’ that brought together experts to discuss a number of topics related to educational expansion and the relationship between schooling and economic development.

Many Research Questions Remain about Intellectual Capital

This year the 12th Annual International Workshop on ‘Intangibles, Intellectual Capital and Extra-Financial Information’ was held in Russia for the first time. The workshop was organized by the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) in cooperation with HSE and the University of Ferrara.

New Issue of Foresight and STI Governance: 'Smart' Strategies as a Basis for Efficient Territorial Development

The new issue of ‘Foresight and STI Governance’ (2016, vol. 10, no 3) focuses on various aspects of innovation-based development in Russian regions, the results of the China-2025 Foresight study, and new customer attraction strategies in the retail sector.