
More Effort Needed to Integrate Migrants

More Effort Needed to Integrate Migrants
At a time when industrially developed countries are facing migration pressure, Russia needs to take a fresh look at immigration to assess its geopolitical benefits and prevent inherent social risks; a smart migrant integration policy can provide a solution.

6th International Conference on Network Analysis Took Place at HSE Nizhny Novgorod

The conference on network analysis aims to bring together scientists and engineers, representatives from the government and universities to exchange knowledge and results on a broad range of topics related to the theory and practice of network analysis. The conference also covered algorithms on graphs, networks, discrete optimization and applications.

IoE Leading Researcher at the 4th Conference of Higher Education Research Association

IoE Leading Researcher at the 4th Conference of Higher Education Research Association
The University of Hong Kong hosted the 4th Conference of Higher Education Research Association on May, 27–28. The theme of the conference was  'Equity, Employment, and Mobility in Asian Higher Education'.

The Conference 'Challenging the Borders of Fantasy' in Wroclaw

The conference 'Challenging the Borders of Fantasy' organized by the Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) and the Russian-Polish Institute (Wroclaw, Poland) took place on April 18-19 in Wroclaw, Poland. 

Hobbies and Clubs Can Keep Youth Away from Alcohol

Youth in medium-sized and small towns who engage in after-school activities such as hobby clubs are less likely to drink alcohol. Generally, school-age youth in communities with higher educational levels, social and professional status are less vulnerable to alcohol abuse.

Leading Game Theorists are Guests of HSE

On May 23 and 24, 2016 the Game Theory Laboratory of the HSE St Petersburg held its first international conference entitled 'Game Theory and Mechanism Design', in memory of the late Victor Domanskiy.

The Mission of New Universities

The Mission of New Universities
On May 19-21, St. Petersburg hosted the third International Conference on Education and Global Cities: Horizons for the Contemporary University. The conference saw the participation of representatives from universities in Hong Kong, Torino, Newcastle, Beijing, Oslo, Brussels, and beyond. It also featured more than 20 plenary sessions, round tables, lectures, and seminars.

'It Would Be Wonderful If Some of the Leading Historians of Philosophy of the Next Generation Were Russians’

Professor Peter Anstey from the University of Sydney held a series of seminars on research methods in the humanities and early modern philosophy at HSE Moscow last week. The seminars were connected to his project ‘The Nature and Status of Principles in Early Modern Philosophy’. How have the studies of philosophy evolved? What is the role of philosophy of the modern world? How can Russian students become involved in global research projects? These were some of the issues Peter Anstey talked about with HSE News Service.

Staff Members of the School of Philology Discuss ‘Distant Reading’ by Franco Moretti

On May 17 th, 2016, a presentation and discussion of the Russian translation of the book ‘Distant Reading’ by Franco Moretti was held at RANEPA media loft.

International Conference ‘Modes of Thinking, Ways of Speaking’

An international conference ‘Modes of Thinking, Ways of Speaking’ took place at HSE. The event was organized by the HSE Faculty of Humanities School of Philosophy and brought together not only professors and young researchers, but also undergraduate and master’s students.