
Cooperation to Replace Сompetition

‘Values, Institutions and Trust’ is the title of this year’s April Conference plenary session featuring a paper by Victor Polterovich. For the first time, the conference's plenary sessions will be held in a new format as discussions of the written texts of the papers prepared by the researchers.

Mobility Opens up New Prospects for Employees

Labour mobility — a term used to describe the movement of workers within the labour market — can be further categorised as internal mobility, i.e. promotion or demotion within the same company, and external mobility, i.e. changing employers. Rostislav Kapeliushnikov presented the study's findings in the report 'The Pathways We Choose: Intra- and Interfirm Transitions' at a joint seminar of the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies and the Laboratory for Labour Market Studies.

Transformative Action Learning to be Featured at April Conference

Transformative action learning is a method widely used to equip leaders for the challenges they encounter in their organizations. In an upcoming honorary lecture and workshop as part of the XVII April Conference Robert Kramer, International Chair of Public Leadership at the National University of Public Service (Budapest, Hungary), will introduce audiences to the method. As he prepares to travel to Moscow for this year’s April Conference, Dr Kramer shared a brief overview of what makes his method unique, and talked about his plans to set aside time to shop for rare first editions in Moscow’s bookstores.

IQ.hse.ru to Communicate HSE’s Research Capabilities

The Higher School of Economics has launched IQ.hse.ru, a new research and educational website containing articles featuring the results of the most interesting research carried out by the university staff, as well as video lectures, presentations of academic papers, and recent books.

Drawing Lessons for Russia from the Global Financial Crisis

An expert in the economics of transition, corporate finance, organizational economics as well as law and economics, Dr. Ichiro Iwasaki, Professor of Economics at the Institute of Economic Research (Hitotsubashi University, Japan), will present a lecture entitled ‘What we learnt from the Russian experience during the global financial crisis: A corporate governance perspective’ at the upcoming  XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He recently agreed to speak with the HSE news service about his research, his long interest in Russian economics, and his view on how to achieve successful international academic collaboration.

‘This Year Marks an Important Step in the Conference’s Trajectory’

The XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development hosted by the HSE with support from the World Bank will start in Moscow on April 19th, 2016. Deputy Chairmen of the Conference Programme Committee Lev Jakobson and Andrei Yakovlev discuss the new format of the April Conference’s plenary sessions and share their views on some of the new themes and particularly noteworthy guest speakers.

Founder of World’s Largest Encyclopaedia of Public Administration and Public Policy to Speak at April Conference

Ali Farazmand, Professor of Public Administration and Policy at Florida Atlantic University has long been interested in issues of public administration, public policy and governance. Ahead of his lecture at the XVII April Conference, Professor Farazmand speaks about his research interests and how he hopes to further develop collaborative relationships with Russian scholars.

Strasbourg Economist Stresses Need for Institutional Reform and Economic Diversification

Ahead of the XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, several of the scholars presenting have agreed to share highlights of their research and their views on the topics being addressed this year’s event.

Student Engagement and Academic Honesty among Topics Covered in Latest Issue of Leading HSE Journal

The beauty of the modern pool of ideas in the field of education lies in its multiple approaches, as well as diverse and occasionally conflicting opinions. As the leading Russian journal on education,  Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies  offers a space for the professional community worldwide to engage in rich discussion.

Russians Have Low Trust in Domestic Clothing Brands

Despite the recent arrival of new domesic brands in the clothing market, many Russians remain loyal to imports. However, using foreign-sounding brand names does not help Russian companies, according to Natalia Antonova, Associate Professor of the Department of Organizational Psychology and Head of the Psychology of Consumer Behavior Research and Study Group, and students of the HSE Department of Organizational Psychology Ajay Kumar, Maria Soloreva and Veronika Morozova, members of the Study Group.