
Research on the Runet Economy 2014-2015

The HSE with the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC) has prepared a report on the economics of the internet services and content market in 2014-1015. The main point of the research was to evaluate how the crisis has affected the long-term development of the industry and to adjust previous predictions.     


of managers at industrial manufacturing companies in Russia are not holding out hope for positive changes in investment dynamics in 2016.

Higher Education in Russia and Beyond: From Russia with Math

The sixth issue of HERB dedicated to mathematics is now available. There are three sections in the issue. The first section is devoted to the analysis of mathematical education in the USSR and modern Russia, the second one features the career opportunities for those, who received mathematical education in Russia, and the third section describes the current situation with mathematics in universities.

'In Order to Have Teaching That’s Really Worthwhile, You Have to Have People Who Are on the Frontier of Research'

Chief Research Fellow of the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis Eric Maskin and Laboratory Head Fuad Aleskerov
The only way to detect weaknesses in one’s own ideas is to expose them to criticism from colleagues, says Eric Maskin, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2007, Chairman of the HSE International Advisory Committee, and chief researcher at the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis. The HSE news service recently spoke with him and Fuad Aleskerov, head of the Laboratory, about the the value of other people's opinions, joint research projects and opportunities for international cooperation in our time.


of Russian parents help their school-age children with their homework, or even do it with them.

Traditional Family Is in Revival

The Russian family has been becoming more demographically heterogeneous over recent years. Some of the families follow the trend of having many children: women more often give birth to a third and fourth child, and the gap between births is decreasing, which makes the evolution of the family faster. At the same time, younger generations are inclined to postpone marriage and having their first child, which leads either to later motherhood or to childlessness. This means that two opposite trends are developing; along with the growing share of ‘Western-type’ families, with postponed parenthood and fewer children, there is a revival of the traditional family with more children, Sergey Zakharov, Deputy Director of the HSE Institute of Demography, reported.


of representatives of small manufacturing companies who are prepared to take out long-term loans to develop and modernize their operations would agree to do so at rates comparable to the current rates of 18-21%.

Future Managers Are Optimistic about Their Careers

Many management students have difficulties predicting their career paths for the next five or ten years. Some of the students obviously have big hoped for their future and are confident about rapid career growth. They believe that by 30 they will be able to become top-level managers in medium and big organizations, and will never repeat the mistakes of their principals and teachers. Svetlana Satikova, Associate Professor at the Department of Management of HSE in St. Petersburg, studied the career expectations of future managers.


of Russians agree that too much importance today is attached to the achievements of science and technology, which is to the detriment of the spiritual side of life.

HSE Becomes Coordinator of International Foresight Centers Network

HSE and the Center for Strategic Studies and Management (CGEE, Brazil) have established an International Foresight Centers Network. A letter of intent was signed on November 20, 2015, which was the final day of the International Academic Conference ‘Foresight and STI Policy’.