
Global Innovation Index 2021 Unveiled

Global Innovation Index 2021 Unveiled
Russia has improved its position in the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2021, ranking 45th among 132 economies and closing the distance to leading countries thanks to better performance in all areas of research, innovation, and creative activities. For the past several years, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) at HSE University has provided advice on the research underlying the index. This year, ISSEK became one of the nine members of the GII Academic Partners Network.

Why Badly Trained AI Is a Bigger Threat Than a Robot Uprising

Why Badly Trained AI Is a Bigger Threat Than a Robot Uprising
At the present level of AI development, humanity doesn’t have to worry about a machine uprising just yet. However, the use of improperly trained AIs in important fields and attempts to use it to exercise control over people’s lives may pose a real threat in the near future. This was the topic of a seminar on ‘The Unexpected Threats of AI’ recently hosted by the HSE University Laboratory of Transcendental Philosophy.

'Living in Cities Is Worse Than Living in the Countryside Far from Human Brutality and Dependence on the Authorities'

'Living in Cities Is Worse Than Living in the Countryside Far from Human Brutality and Dependence on the Authorities'
Anna Novikova shares her thoughts on the book The Enchanted Place, student field expeditions, and rural residents' 'non-digitised' traumas

Competition to Launch Experimental Research Laboratories Remains Open Until September 30

Competition to Launch Experimental Research Laboratories Remains Open Until September 30
The competition is open to research projects in the fields of biophotonics and ageing (biology, physiology, biomedicine, biostatistics, and bioinformatics). The competition is aimed at creating, supporting, and developing science and international-level schools at HSE University. The university is also working to develop modern infrastructure for its natural sciences cluster as part of its active involvement in global research.

Champagne and Unsanitary Conditions: Trade in Siberia 150 Years Ago

New Bazaar Square in Krasnoyarsk, 1911
The increasing application of law in various spheres of life in the Russian empire promoted trade regulation and influenced everyday trade practices—even in remote regions. Tradespeople, in turn, tried to limit the application of new regulations while using laws to serve their own interests. HSE University has hosted a seminar on trade in Siberia in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Scholars Gain New Data on Heavy Exotic Hadrons

The Belle detector
As part of the Belle experiment, researchers were able to measure the energy dependence of e+e- -> B-anti-B, B-anti-B* and B*-anti-B* reactions in the 10.63 GeV to 11.02 GeV energy range for the first time. The new data will help clarify the nature of the group of exotic Upsilon mesons that have mass in this range. The results of the study were published in the Journal of High Energy Physics.

HSE Researchers Say Only Female Public Officials Will Be Able To Eliminate Corruption in Russia

HSE Researchers Say Only Female Public Officials Will Be Able To Eliminate Corruption in Russia
Female public officials see bribes as a problem twice as often as their male counterparts. They are less often willing to risk their jobs or take part in fraudulent activities.

Surviving on Zoom: How Teachers Have Adapted to Online Education

Surviving on Zoom: How Teachers Have Adapted to Online Education
Teaching is a stressful job, and with schools and universities operating remotely over the last eighteen months, teachers’ worries have increased dramatically. In the latest in a series of articles on distance learning, IQ.HSE reports on research conducted by the HSE University Institute of Education on how teachers have been coping with stress.

Scholars Look at Publication Activity in Post-Soviet Countries

Scholars Look at Publication Activity in Post-Soviet Countries
75% of papers published in post-Soviet countries are by Russian researchers. In total, about 3% of all papers published globally are from post-Soviet countries. The role of universities has grown over the last 30 years, with over half of all recent academic papers being made with the participation of university researchers. These are the conclusions made in a study of publication activity by scholars in post-Soviet countries.

Life in Russia According to Surveys

Life in Russia According to Surveys
Free education and social security appear to be more important for Russians than the freedom of expression or the freedom of movement. The majority of Russians, especially younger people, look to the state for assistance and choose responsible consumption merely as a way to save money. IQ.HSE selected nine facts about various aspects of people's lives based on findings from a nationwide representative survey conducted by the HSE Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector as part of the Monitoring of the Status of Civil Society project.