
Attention Priority Map Explains Unusual Visual Search Phenomena

Attention Priority Map Explains Unusual Visual Search Phenomena
Researchers from HSE University and Harvard have found that the grouping of multiple elements in a visual display does not affect the search speed for an element with a unique combination of features. The Guided Search theory predicted such results. The study is published in the Journal of Vision.

Spouses’ Common Religion Helps in Intercultural Marriage

Nadezhda Angarskaya and Rayed Bani
When partners are of the same religion, it helps to compensate for any differences in their values, while monocultural couples are more satisfied with their marriage.

‘We Have to Ask the Very Same People Multiple Times to Understand What Changes in Emotions, Attitudes, and Behaviors Really Take Place’

‘We Have to Ask the Very Same People Multiple Times to Understand What Changes in Emotions, Attitudes, and Behaviors Really Take Place’
On November 6, Dr. Klaus Boehnke, Deputy Director of the HSE Centre for Sociocultural Research, presented his report entitled ‘Does COVID-19 propel value change: A comparison of Germany and the United Kingdom?’ at the ‘Culture Matters’ research seminar. HSE News Service has talked to Dr. Boehnke about various aspects of the value changes and socio-economic consequences of the pandemic in Europe and Russia.

Russian Consumer Sentiment Improving

Russian Consumer Sentiment Improving
After collapsing in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer demand has partly recovered in Russia. The lowest point in consumer confidence seems to be behind us, but we should not expect a noticeable recovery any time soon, according to HSE ISSEK Centre for Business Tendency Studies (CBTS). Based on a recent consumer survey in Russia, IQ compares consumer sentiments as we are entering the second wave of the pandemic with those reported at the start of its first wave.

From Science Fiction to Designing the Future: Annual Foresight Conference Commences at HSE University

From Science Fiction to Designing the Future: Annual Foresight Conference Commences at HSE University
This week, researchers from all over the world have gathered online for the 10th annual International Academic Conference ‘Foresight and STI Policy’ at HSE University. One of the cross-cutting themes of the anniversary forum, which will be held from November 9 to 13, is lessons learned from the pandemic and the crisis’s effects in future scenarios.

45 Students Admitted to HSE’s New Combined Master’s-PhD Track

45 Students Admitted to HSE’s New Combined Master’s-PhD Track
HSE University’s new combined Master’s-PHD track programme received 212 applications from first-year master’s students this year. Of these, 45 students were admitted to the track to study at a combined total of 17 doctoral schools at HSE. The combined Master's-PhD track, which was launched just this year, provides a new form of support for students who study in state-funded slots and intend to pursue careers in academia.

The Kings of Remote Work: HSE Experts Dispel Myths and Stereotypes about Freelancers

The Kings of Remote Work: HSE Experts Dispel Myths and Stereotypes about Freelancers
Due to a longstanding lack of evidence-based information about freelancers, Andrey Shevchuk and Denis Strebkov, senior research fellows at the HSE Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology, have endeavoured to dispel misconceptions about this growing class of workers. Though remote work has become particularly relevant during the pandemic, the researchers identify several trends that have determined the direction of the remote job market even before the coronavirus outbreak.

'State Owes Me': Social Justice, as Seen by Russian University Undergraduates

'State Owes Me': Social Justice, as Seen by Russian University Undergraduates
'I am the state' ('L'etat c'est moi') is a phrase attributed to French king Louis XIV. For Russian undergraduates today, the motto seems to be 'the state owes me'. According to many of them, the government must support younger people above all else, and this is what they understand by social justice. Read on to learn what else Russian undergraduates think about justice and why they are not willing to make sacrifices to achieve it, based on a paper by HSE political scientists Valeria Kasamara, Marina Maximenkova and Anna Sorokina.

HSE to Launch Institute for Cultural Studies

HSE to Launch Institute for Cultural Studies
At the last meeting of the HSE Academic Council, it was decided to create a new subdivision of the Faculty of Urban and Regional Development (FURD). The Faculty will now be home to the Institute of Cultural Studies. Vitaly Kurennoy, Director of the Institute and Professor of the School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, discussed the Institute’s main areas of focus and the importance of cultural studies.

HSE University Ranks 115th in RePEc World Ranking

HSE University Ranks 115th in RePEc World Ranking
The RePEc rating (Research Papers in Economics) is based on publication activity data in the field of economics and related disciplines. In recent years, HSE University has consistently ranked first among Russian universities, and it continues to steadily climb the global ranking, overtaking well-known, centuries-old foreign universities. In the latest European ranking, HSE University took 46th place. In the world ranking, the university has ranked 115th (an increase of 4 places in the space of one month).