Research & Expertise

Higher Education Conference Draws to a Close

Higher Education Conference Draws to a Close
From October 20-22, 2016, the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers held its 7th International Conference ‘University between Global Challenges and Local Commitments’ at HSE Moscow. This annual event brings together researchers and educators who are interested in higher education development to discuss challenges and goals facing universities and their stakeholders (students, faculty, administrators, graduates etc.).

Conference ‘Corpus Technologies, Digital Humanities and Modern Research’ Held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod

Conference ‘Corpus Technologies, Digital Humanities and Modern Research’ Held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod
Today computer and corpora technologies play an important role in language studies and language learning along with traditional methods of analysis. New corpora resources and software for language analysis are regularly developed. Experts from Russia, CIS and other countries discussed the latest achievements in this field at the international conference ‘Corpus Technologies, Digital Humanities and Modern Research’.

Academic Environment Can Affect Student Honesty

Academic Environment Can Affect Student Honesty
Disciplining students for a variety of activities, such as downloading papers from the internet, engaging in plagiarism or cheating on exams may not work when academic dishonesty is so commonplace at university that even top performers tend to follow the crowd in this. Indeed, academic misconduct can be self-perpetuating: if a student gets away with cheating once, they are more likely to cheat next time, according to Natalia Maloshonok.

Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Sustainable Development at HSE

HSE’s Faculty of Law is a partner of the Fulbright Scholar Programme and each year has the opportunity to host a Distinguished Chair in Sustainable Development. David Wirth, a Professor who teaches and supervises research at Boston College Law School, arrived at HSE in this capacity in September 2016. He has shared his research, teaching and collaboration plans for the upcoming academic year at HSE with The HSE Look bulletin.

Higher Education Conference Set to Feature Wide Variety of Topics

On October 20-22, 2016, the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers will hold its 7th International Conference in Moscow. This annual event brings together researchers and educators who are interested in higher education development in a forum to discuss challenges and goals facing universities and their stakeholders (students, faculty, administrators, graduates etc.).

Book by Prof. Ronald Grigor Suny Won Prestigious Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize

The book 'They Can Live in the Desert but Nowhere Else”: A History of the Armenian Genocide' by Prof. Ronald Grigor Suny, Head of the International Research Project 'Comparative Historical Studies of Empire and Nationalism', has won the Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize.

Anna Karenina’s Social Networks: HSE Researchers Conduct Workshop in Germany

The Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, one of the oldest universities in Germany, hosted a three-day workshop on social network analysis of literary texts conducted by Daniil Skorinkin, Lecturer at the School of Linguistics, and Frank Fischer, Associate Professor at the School.

HSE School of Philology Attends Conference in Cologne

On October 7-11 the international conference ‘Reviving Visions: Artists and Scholars that Connected East and West’ marking the launch of a joint MA programme between HSE, the University of Cologne and the University of Warsaw, was held in Cologne. Students and staff from the HSE School of Philology took part in the event.

MIT Professors Discuss Microbiopolitics Through the Lens of American Cheese

On Monday, October 3, two professors of anthropology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Heather Paxson and Stefan Helmreich – delivered a seminar for students of HSE St. Petersburg Master's programme in Applied and Interdisciplinary History. A presentation by Professor Paxson focused on how the microbiopolitics of cheese making in the U.S. presupposed and promoted industrial methods and standards and how in recent decades interest in producing and consuming artisanally made, raw-milk cheese has risen dramatically.

New Issue of HERB Focuses on Doctoral Studies

The ninth issue of Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, a journal that highlights current educational trends from Russia, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe, has just been published.