Research & Expertise

IOE Staff Members Spoke on the Right to Education at International Conference

Szymon Jankiewicz, Director of the Center for Applied Legal Research, and Nadezhda Knyaginina, Analyst of the Center, took part in an International Conference, ‘Development of Russian Law-IX: Russian Law and Globalization’,  held on October 6-7, 2016, at the University of Helsinki.

Impact of Economic Crisis on Russian Subsidiaries of Western Multinationals

Impact of Economic Crisis on Russian Subsidiaries of Western Multinationals
Despite the economic crisis, Western multinational corporations have been expanding their manufacturing facilities in Russia. Last year, foreign companies launched 63 new subsidiaries in Russia (twice as many as in 2013), and closed no more than ten. This year, they expect to put into operation a few dozen new subsidiaries, according to HSE researchers' study 'Russian Manufacturing Subsidiaries of Western Multinational Corporations: Preliminary Results and Future Prospects.'

Kirill Levinson Receives Merck Translation Award

Kirill Levinson, Associate Professor at the HSE School of History, has received the Merck Translation Award for translating select articles from Reinhart Koselleck's Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe, published in Russian by the New Literary Observer in 2014 under the title ‘Dictionary of Basic Historical Concepts’.

Monthly Public Administration Discussion to Focus on a Stress Test for Public Finances

On October 10, the HSE School of Public Administration hosted its monthly discussion series. This month’s event is entitled ‘Stress Test for Public Finances – Policy-Responses to the Financial and Economic Crisis in the OECD’ and was led by Prof. Dr. Uwe Wagschal of the University of Freiburg (Germany). Professor Wagschal's talk focused on the consequences of massive monetary and fiscal stimulus for the public purse and will compare the fiscal packages in 28 OECD-countries aimed at combating an economic downturn following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.

Why Economic Forecasters Fail

Why Economic Forecasters Fail
The human factor, a reluctance to scare investors and the absence of tangible rewards for predicting recessions are some of the reasons why professional forecasters sometimes fail to signal economic downturns. In their study, Sergey Smirnov and Daria Avdeeva found evidence indicating that professional forecasters tend to hold on to optimistic scenarios for too long.

HSE Semantics & Pragmatics Workshop

HSE Semantics & Pragmatics Workshop
On September 30 - October 1, 2016,  an international Semantics & Pragmatics Workshop was held at HSE. The event was organized by the School of Linguistics, the School of Philosophy and the Formal Philosophy Research Group.

How Children Affect Mother's Career

How Children Affect Mother's Career
Mothers of three or more children are four times as likely to be unemployed compared to mothers of one or two children, according to Alina Pishnyak's study 'Employment opportunities and constraints for women in Moscow.'

Ensuring Clean Water Is the Only ‘Water Issue’ That Can Be Currently Solved

According to participants in the recent BRICS Water Forum, out of all of the global challenges in regards to water resource management through the use of technological breakthroughs, only keeping water clean can be guaranteed at the moment.

Two Literatures Met at Pushkin Apartment

The National Pushkin Museum at its famous home on on Moyka Embankment was the platform for the first Polish-Russian interdisciplinary seminar ‘Methods of Textual Criticism and Models of Poetics’. The seminar was co-organized by the museum, HSE in St. Petersburg, Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Extreme Urbanism in St. Petersburg

Experts from HSE’s Moscow and St. Petersburg campuses participated in the 2nd International Spatial Development Forum, which took place September 24 – 27, 2016, in St. Petersburg. The key topic of the forum was ‘Extreme Urbanism’.