Research & Expertise

Intellectual Capital to Be Discussed at HSE St. Petersburg

The 12th Annual International Workshop ‘Intangibles, Intellectual Capital and Extra-Financial Information’ will take place from September 22 – 23, 2016, at HSE’s campus in St. Petersburg. The workshop is being organized by the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) in conjunction with HSE and the University of Ferrara. This event will be a new step in the long history of this forum, which is aimed at academic exchange of theoretical and empirical qualitative and quantitative research regarding intellectual capital.

Everyday Routines of Those Reinventing the Wheel

In early August, the XIV Open and User Innovation Conference took place at Harvard Business School. Konstantin Fursov, Head of the Unit for Analysis of R&D Performance and Research Fellow at the HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Economics of Innovation, was invited to participate in this event.

New Approaches to Analysing Global Inequalities in Human Capital Formation

Natalia Milovantseva, Associate Professor at the School of World Economy, presented the report ‘Global Inequalities in Human Capital Formation: Provision of Pre-Primary Education Based on Data for 163 Countries’ at the international conference ‘Inequalities: Addressing the Growing Challenge for Policymakers Worldwide,’ held at the London School of Economics. The event was organized by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.

Robots Will Change the Job Market to Our Benefit

Will robots eventually make people jobless? That ‘s an issue that has recently been under a lot of discussions with some publications predicting that around 40% of jobs will disappear in the nearest decade due to the advent of technology. But is the future indeed so gloomy? Sir Christoper Pissarides, 2010 Nobel Prize winner, Regius Professor of Economics at LSE, disagrees. In his honorary lecture at HSE ICEF Prof Pissarides discussed various issues concerning the future of work and employment in the age of robots.

Bridging the Gap Between Slavic Studies and Translation Studies

From September 23 to October 2, the HSE School of Philology (Faculty of Humanities) will host Susanna Witt, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Uppsala University (Sweden). During this time she will lecture at a conference on World Literature as a Soviet Project, as well as teach several lectures in the School of Philology.

School of Linguistics Develops Research Web Service ‘Textograph’

On September 15th, 2016, a presentation of the research web service ‘Textograph’ for the digital processing of texts was held in the House-Museum of Anton Chekhov. Boris Orekhov, Associate Professor at the School of Linguistics, is one of the system developers.

What Employers Expect from Graduates

What Employers Expect from Graduates
School reputation and graduating with honours are not as important for future employers as graduates' personal qualities and work experience, according to Natalia Bondarenko and Tatiana Lysova's study "Job Search Models, Recruitment Criteria, and Competence and Skill Assessment of Vocational Education Graduates: Employer Perspective." In 2015, they analysed the findings from a survey of 1,019 CEOs of Russian companies in six industries (manufacturing, communications, construction, transport, trade and services) as part of the Monitoring of Educational Markets and Organisations (MEMO) project conducted by the HSE jointly with the Levada Centre.

Social Science Helps Solve Problems

Regional Conference on World Association of Public Opinion Research dedicated to Survey Research and the Study of Social and Cultural Change is taking place at HSE Moscow September 15-17, 2016 in partnership with World Values Survey. Ronald Inglehart, Academic Supervisor of HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research and the Founding President of the World Values Survey (WVS) has talked to HSE News Service about the role of sociology in the modern world and the changes in values and beliefs around the world.

Seven WAPOR Papers that will Amaze You

Seven WAPOR Papers that will Amaze You
The World Association for Public Opinion Research’s (WAPOR) annual regional conference ‘Survey Research and the Study of Social and Cultural Change’ kicks off at HSE on September 15, 2016.

Dutch Linguistics Expert to Offer Lecture on Language and Cognition

What causes variation between languages, and what do they have in common? How is language embedded in our general cognitive system? These are some of the questions that Eric Reuland, Faculty Professor of Language and Cognition at the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (OTS) (Utrecht University), will address in a lecture course entitled ‘Syntactic approaches to anaphora’ that will be held at HSE Moscow from September 12 till 22, 2016. Professor Reuland recently spoke with the HSE news service about his research interests, his upcoming visit to Moscow, and some books he recommends for those interested in gaining exposure to the field of linguistics.