Research & Expertise

HSE Develops Mobile App Based on Tolstoy’s War and Peace

HSE’s School of Linguistics, along with Samsung and the Leo Tolstoy State Museum, has developed a mobile application called ‘Living Pages,’ which offers users a new way of reading Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace. The programme’s launch coincides with the Russia’s Year of Literature.

Investors Prefer Regions with Developed Economies

Even a business climate that is not very favourable is not an obstacle for investors if the country is developing fast in general. Business leaders who invest in countries with underdeveloped institutions choose politically stable regions with high demand, qualified workforce and developed infrastructure, said Ksenia Gonchar, leading research fellow at the HSE Institute for Industrial and Market Studies (IIMS), in a paper.

Multiculturalism Could Work in Russia

Contemporary Russian society is divided more along the lines of education and professional qualifications than nationality. So said researchers at the annual international conference at HSE’s Laboratory for Sociocultural Research on intercultural and interethnic relations.

Youth Take Longer to Leave Their Parents

Young Russians are in no hurry to start living on their own. The age of moving out from the parental home has increased from 18-20 for previous generations to 23-25 for today's youth. Instead, young people are spending more time in search of themselves and taking longer to get an education and choose a partner, according to a study by Ekaterina Mitrofanova, Junior Research Fellow at the HSE Institute of Demography, and Alina Dolgova, student at the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences.

A People’s History of War

HSE has hosted the international academic conference ‘Europe, 1945: Liberation, Occupation, Retribution,’ during which historians, sociologists, and culturologists from various countries discussed the social, economic, military, political, and cultural phenomena caused by World War II. In an interview with the HSE News Service, the Director of HSE’s International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences, Oleg Budnitskii, discusses the conference, its organizers, and its guests, and also talks about why it is important to study the human dimension of war.

MIEM Experts Help Detect Weapons Remotely

More reliable than a metal detector and safer than X-rays, a Terahertz scanner designed by HSE MIEM researchers allows the detection of items hidden under clothing, such as drugs and explosives, imperceptibly, without walk-through scanners and at a considerable distance. A highly sensitive THz receiver is capable of detecting waves emitted by the human body.

HSE ISSEK Book is among Top Springer Books in ‘Technology Management’

The Springer publishing company shared the statistics on the book ‘Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future. Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies edited by Dirk Meissner, Leonid Gokhberg and Alexander Sokolov. Since its release in 2013, it has passed the threshold of 9500 downloads at the Springer website.

Playing Football with Students and Intangible-driven Economy in Perm and Vigo

HSE Campus in Perm has launched a series of research seminars at the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy involving international experts. Leading Research Fellow of the Laboratory Angel Barajas from the University of Vigo (Spain) and head of the sports economy section Dennis C. Coates, from the University of Maryland (US) were involved in the seminar series. From June 14 to 18 the 3rd International Summer School on the Intangible-Driven Economy will take place. Key speakers will include IDLab's leading researchers. Dr. Barajas spoke to HSE English News about the seminar series, the summer school, intangibles in football economics and the FIFA crisis.

Asia is Learning to Consume

Asia is turning from a ‘global factory’ into a colossal consumer of goods and services, and this could lead to radical changes in the world economy, Junior Research Fellow in the Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS), Anastasia Likhacheva, said in the paper ‘A New Model of Development in the Asian Region: Continent of Consumption’ presented at HSE’s XVI April International Academic Conference.

German Scholar to Speak on Rule of Law and International Cooperation

On June 4, Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm, Managing Head of the Rule of Law Center at WZB Berlin Social Science Center and Professor of Law at New York University, will deliver a lecture at HSE entitled ‘Liberal Constitutional Democracy 25 Years After the End of the Cold War’, which is sponsored by the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences and the ISEPR Foundation. Professor Kumm, an internationally recognized expert on globalization and the rule of law, spoke briefly with the HSE news service ahead of his lecture on Thursday.