Research & Expertise

Migrants' Children Need Help Adapting

Children attending Moscow schools who are born to migrants from CIS countries often encounter difficulties adapting to their new environment. In research published in the HSE's online journal Demoscope Weekly, Zhanna Zayonchkovskaya, Yulia Florinskaya, Dmitry Poletaev, and Ksenia Doronina argue that educational institutions must help them master the Russian language and to overcome issues arising during the teaching process.

Svetlana Strinyuk: ‘Our idea of national identity is changing in today’s world’

HSE Perm’s Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages Svetlana Strinyuk gave a lecture on the influence of Modernism on contemporary Irish literature at the annual conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE).

Economists and space for research

In St. Petersburg, the third international conference ‘Industrial Organization and Spatial Economics’, organized by the HSE’s “International Laboratory for the Theory of Markets and Spatial Economics” has come to an end. The participants talked about how to study competition, the similarities and differences of regional economies, and whether it is possible to create a robot-economist.

Internet Search Possible without Search Engines

Specialists from the HSE’s Nizhny Novgorod campus plan to create a new system of structuring data and accounting of webpages. The Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis has won a grant from the Russian Science Foundation to study ‘Clustering and Search Techniques in Large Scale Networks.’

Interest in Sociology through Interest in Russia and Eastern Europe

The new term’s cycle of methodology seminars SotsUp at the HSE Centre for Youth Studies in St Petersburg began with a talk by Dr Charlie Walker of Southampton University on the social mobility of young working class women in the service industries.

Marriage Stimulates Higher Earnings

Married men and women, on average, earn more than single individuals. But while for men getting divorced means a drop in earnings, the opposite is true for women – they achieve higher earnings after divorce and remarriage, according to a study by Lilia Rodionova, presented at the Tenth International Conference on Applying Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Economics and Quality Assessment hosted by the HSE.

Glad to be Immersed in a Very Strong Mathematical Tradition

Dr. Chris Brav, an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics has joined the HSE this year. He shared with the HSE news service his background, first impressions on living and working in Moscow and plans for future.

The Regions Need More Money

Even considering an 8.5% increase in wages, regional budgets will not be able to avoid a deficit for 2014. The federal centre will have to find additional funds to pay for Russian federal subjects’ spending or else the subjects will be forced to increase debt, experts from the HSE Centre of Development Institute said in the latest issue of New Comments on the State and Business.

The Ideal Woman Differs from the Ideal Wife

Fewer Russians associate relationships between men and women with marriage, and gender roles are moving away from those of husband and wife. Russians still perceive 'the ideal man' and 'the ideal husband' as similar types – the common denominator being the roles of breadwinner and protector. In contrast, ‘the ideal woman' and 'the ideal wife' are two entirely different types. The former must be good-looking above all, while the latter is expected to be loyal, loving, and a good homemaker, according to Yulia Lezhnina, Associate Professor at the HSE's Subdepartment of Socio-Economic Systems and Social Policy.

'Decorations for the Future': Dresden - Moscow

Professor of the HSE School of Design in the Faculty of Сommunications, Media and Design Ulyana Aristova and senior lecturer Tatiana Avvakumova represented Russia at the international conference Decoratia in Futura at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts.