Research & Expertise
In Russia, the role of connections in career success is important, but connections through friends or family and business connections can contribute to careers in different ways. While business connections help those who have already earned a good professional reputation, friends and family can give one’s career a headstart, but their role often stops at this, according to a team of researchers of the HSE's Centre for Study of Social Organisation of a Firm (CSSOF).
On June 19 the Expert and Advisory Board of the International Institute of Administration and Business held its regular meeting. They discussed the results of cooperation in 2013, 2014. Companies gave a summary of the master classes, and company consultancy projects for students on the Master in European Business programme and also discussed student internships. Jean-Luc Pipon, Managing Director, Head of Legal Division at Sberbank CIB was at the meeting and gave an interview to the HSE News Service about doing business in Russia today.
A seasonal revival in consumer demand stimulated an increase inretail trade in Q2 2014. Food retail showed the best results, but intensified moods to save household earnings, a slowdown in income growth, high inflation, and difficulties in obtaining consumer credit might soon change the situation, according to experts from the Centre for Business Tendency Studies at the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge at the Higher School of Economics in their latest monitoring of the retail business climate.
On June 11th, 2014 Tomáš Sedláček, Czech economist and author of 'Economics of Good and Evil' and 'Homo Economicus' gave a lecture at a joint seminar of the International Centre for Social and Economic Research 'Leontief Centre' and the HSE in Saint Petersburg.
Anthony John Heywood, Chair in History at the School of Divinity, History and Philosophy, (University of Aberdeen), recently took part in the international conference ‘Russia in the First World War’, which was organized by the HSE’s International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and its Consequences and took place on June 3-5, 2014. He spoke with the HSE news service about his interests in weather, Russia’s railways, the study of history in today’s society, as well as his impressions of collaborating with Russian colleagues.
The Second International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2014) took place on June 3-5, drawing 120 professionals from 29 countries to consider issues of model performance and decision-making algorithms when processing large amounts of data.
The markets for healing and witch doctors are often developed in smaller cities and also serve nearby rural areas as well. Such centres of 'informal healthcare' most commonly thrive among individuals who have become disappointed with traditional medicine or among those who do not have access to traditional medicine, Yulia Krasheninnikova, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Management’s Department of State and Municipal Management at HSE Perm campus, said in the study 'Beyond the Healthcare System: The Development of Alternative Health Services in Urban and Rural Areas.'
The impact of family, including its cultural aspects, on a pupil’s idea of his or her future work is significantly weaker than the influence of the student’s own personal qualities, such as dedication, perseverance and desire to learn, Alexandra Yuzhaninova concluded in an article published in HSE’s Journal of Educational Studies.
Alfred J. Rieber, University Research Professor at Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), recently presented at the international conference ‘Russia in the First World War’, which was organized by the HSE’s International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and its Consequences and took place on June 3-5, 2014.