North American branch of Springer publishing house has published a book by Vladimir Fomichov, Professor of the HSE Department of Innovations and Information Technologies Business.
Research & Expertise
On December 28th a seminar on ‘Mathematical Methods of Analysis in Economics, Business and Politics'took place at the HSE. Tad Krauze, Professor in the Department of Sociology, Hofstra University, Hempstead NY, USA, delivered a lecture entitled ‘On Political Terror and Terrorism’ . Video of the event added.
On December 14th Howard Davies, Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), gave a public lecture on ‘The Financial Crisis. Who is to blame?’at the HSE . Video of the event added.
On December 11th, 2009, the latest in our regular series of video conferences took place at the HSE Department of General Sociology as part of the Master’s programme in ‘Sociology of the Public Sphere and Social Communications’. George Ritzer, a prominent sociologist, was the speaker. You can watch a video of the event here .
On December 1st a seminar on ‘Trends in Higher Education Research’took place at the HSE. It was organized by the HSE Institute for the Development of Education, Dmitry Zimin’s ‘Dynasty’Foundation and the Russian Economic School. Professor Philip Altbach, Director of the Center for International Higher Education (CIHE), Boston College (USA), gave a lecture at the seminar. We have published a video of the event.
Daniil Tsygankov, Assistant Professor at the HSE Faculty of Public Administration, has published an article on ‘Valentina Matvienko’s Second Term:From Ambitious Projects to Threats of Removal ’in the Russian Analytical Digest Newsletter.
A database of articles and papers by HSE faculty staff published in international journals with a high citation index has been created at the HSE. Sergey Pekarsky, Deputy Head of the HSE Laboratory for Macroeconomic Analysis, and Martin Gilman, Director of the HSE Institute of Fundamental Interdisciplinary Research, told us about this database and its purpose .
A book by Eduard Babkin ‘Transformation of Ontologies:theoretical foundations and software platform for complex distributed systems ’has recently been published by Lambert Academik Publishing, Koln.