Tag "achievements"

HSE University Staff Members Elected to the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Academy of Sciences
The results of the vote were announced at the General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), which took place from June 1-3. The newly elected Members and Corresponding Members of the RAS include eight scholars from HSE University.

Consortium Led by HSE University Wins Norilsk Renovation Competition

The Open International Architectural and Planning Concept Competition for the Renovation of Norilsk up to 2035 received a total of 27 submissions from 12 individual applicants and 15 consortiums from 13 countries. The winner was a consortium of six companies from Russia, Austria, and France led by HSE University. Eleven HSE University institutes and competency centres were involved in the development of the project. The aim of the competition was to create a comprehensive vision of the development of Norilsk up to 2035.

HSE University Project Wins Russian-Indian Grant by RSF

HSE University Project Wins Russian-Indian Grant by RSF
The research community gave a highly positive assessment of a joint application by researchers from HSE University and their Indian colleagues in affine algebraic geometry, particularly the problems of cancellation. The head of the project on the Russian side is HSE FCS Dean Ivan Arzhantsev; on the Indian side, the project is led by renowned mathematician Neena Gupta.

HSE University Celebrates the Academic Achievements of 2021 Student Research Paper Competition Winners

HSE University Celebrates the Academic Achievements of 2021 Student Research Paper Competition Winners
The award ceremony of the 2021 Student Research Paper Competition took place on February 8. The organisers congratulated the students and early career researchers and told them about the benefits of winning in the competition.

HSE ISSEK Report Is the Most-cited Publication in the Digital Field

HSE ISSEK Report Is the Most-cited Publication in the Digital Field
Issued in 2019 by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) at HSE University, the report‘What is the Digital Economy?’ has topped the Russian Science Citation Index list of the 6,000 most-cited publications in the digital field in 2019–2021. Analysis of the database shows that other ISSEK papers on digital topics have also become hits in the research world.

HSE University in Nizhny Novgorod to Continue Its Research into Dynamical Systems

HSE University in Nizhny Novgorod to Continue Its Research into Dynamical Systems
The mega-grant awarded by the Russian government to the International Laboratory of Dynamical Systems and Applications at HSE University’s Nizhny Novgorod campus has been extended to 2022–2023. The Academic Supervisor of the laboratory is Dmitry Turaev, a leading specialist in the field of dynamical systems and Professor at Imperial College London. Professor Turaev spoke to the HSE News Service about the results achieved by the laboratory so far and its plans for the next two years.

International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology to Look at How Fake News Affects Human Behaviour

Vasily Klucharev, Head of International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology
The mega-grant allocated by the Russian government to the International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology, has been extended for 2022-23. The laboratory was founded two years ago and is headed by Iiro Jaaskelainen, a leading neurobiologist from Finland. Laboratory Head Vasily Klucharev spoke to the HSE News Service about the results the lab has already achieved and the prospects for the next two years.

HSE University Researchers Develop First Standardized Russian-Language Test for Aphasia-related Disorders

HSE University Researchers Develop First Standardized Russian-Language Test for Aphasia-related Disorders
Researchers from the HSE University Centre for Language and Brain have created and standardized a new test battery for diagnosing language disorders in people with brain damage. The test is the first standardized assessment tool in Russia in the field. The paper entitled ‘The Russian Aphasia Test: The first comprehensive, quantitative, standardized, and computerized aphasia language battery in Russian’ has just beenpublished in the PLOS ONE journal.

HSE University Named Finalist of Norilsk Renovation Competition

HSE University Named Finalist of Norilsk Renovation Competition
The Open International Architectural and Planning Concept Competition for the Renovation of Norilsk up to 2035 received a total of 27 submissions from 12 individual applicants and 15 consortiums from 13 countries. Eight applications made the competition shortlist, from which three finalists were selected by jury vote. One of the finalists was the consortium of HSE University, the ABTB Architectural Bureau, and the Paris-based PETITDIDIERPRIOUX Architectes firm.

Researchers Compare Energy Consumption During Extraction and Synthesis of One Diamond Carat

Researchers Compare Energy Consumption During Extraction and Synthesis of One Diamond Carat
Researchers from HSE University, RAS, and Skoltech have compared actual specific energy consumption in the production of diamonds using traditional (mining) and innovative (synthesis) methods. Depending on the technology, 36 to 215 kWh of energy is consumed to produce a 1 carat diamond. It turned out that not all diamond synthesis technologies surpass extraction methods in terms of energy efficiency. The results of the study were published in the journal Energies.