Tag "international cooperation"

HSE University at EEF: 'We Are a University Integrated in Its City'

HSE University at EEF: 'We Are a University Integrated in Its City'
Addressing the Eastern Economic Forum, HSE University's experts discussed the role of universities in the integrated development of territories, Russia-China cooperation on carbon neutrality, and the role of businesses and non-profit organisations in society's pursuit of a better future.

‘What Makes BRICS Effective Is Its Diversity’: HSE University Representatives Begin Work at EEF

‘What Makes BRICS Effective Is Its Diversity’: HSE University Representatives Begin Work at EEF
HSE University Vice Rector Victoria Panova spoke at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF 2024) that began in Vladivostok. The topic of her speech was the expansion of BRICS.

Physicists from Russia and Brazil Unveil Mystery behind Complex Superconductor Patterns

Physicists from Russia and Brazil Unveil Mystery behind Complex Superconductor Patterns
Scientists at HSE MIEM and MIPT have demonstrated that highly complex spatial structures, similar to the intricate patterns found in nature, can emerge in superconductors. Mathematically, these patterns are described using the Ginzburg–Landau equation at a specific combination of parameters known as the Bogomolny point. The paper has been published in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.

Research Results from HSE University Form Basis of UN Report on Volunteering

Research Results from HSE University Form Basis of UN Report on Volunteering
The first Regional State of Volunteering in Central Asia Review was presented at the UN Headquarters in New York as part of the annual High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. The preparation of this document included the research conducted by the HSE Centre for Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector (CSCSNS), with Viacheslav Ivanov, the Chief Expert of the Centre, serving as the lead author of the review.

HSE University Launches Consortium of BRICS Law Schools

HSE University Launches Consortium of BRICS Law Schools
The HSE Faculty of Law hosted an online meeting with law schools and expert centres from BRICS countries. The purpose of the event was to join efforts to advance legal science and practice for the benefit of the organization. To this end, at the initiative of the Dean of the Faculty of Law Vadim Vinogradov, a Consortium of BRICS Law Schools was established, comprising representatives of leading higher education institutions from a number of countries.

‘We Work to Create a More Prosperous, Fair, and Safe World’

‘We Work to Create a More Prosperous, Fair, and Safe World’
On July 3–4, 2024, the IX BRICS Civil Forum was held in Moscow for the first time since the association was expanded by five new countries in January 2024. Participants emphasised the importance of personal interaction between public figures, civil activists, as well as the work they do to strengthen and enrich friendly relations between BRICS countries, based on mutual respect. The forum was organised by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, which is established at the HSE University.