Tag "discussions"

‘Science and Art Coming Together is a Key Global Trend’

‘Science and Art Coming Together is a Key Global Trend’
HSE University held a round table devoted to science  documentaries. The participants discussed possible approaches to securing support for movie production and distribution, choosing topics of interest, and encouraging cinemas to show films about science.

Neurotechnology: The Decline of Freedom or New Horizons for Human Development?

Neurotechnology: The Decline of Freedom or New Horizons for Human Development?
On March 18, HSE University will host the international Neurotechnology & Freedom Conference, which will be held online. In an exchange with HSE News Service, Vasily Klucharev, director of the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience and tenured professor at HSE University, discussed what views on the compatibility of these two concepts exist in modern science and art.

No Illusion, No Fear: How Carcinophobia, Popular Myths and Poor Doctor-patient Communication Hinder the Fight against Cancer in Russia

No Illusion, No Fear: How Carcinophobia, Popular Myths and Poor Doctor-patient Communication Hinder the Fight against Cancer in Russia
Cancer is a disease surrounded by myths. Misinformation can lead to disastrous consequences when people wait too long to get screened and learn their diagnosis only at an advanced stage, facing a shortened healthy lifespan and an early death. Therefore, screening for prevention and early diagnosis of cancer should become a routine practice, according to participants of the roundtable 'From Carcinophobia to Oncology Awareness' held by the HSE Project Team 'Oncology and agency deficits: Russians' autonomous self-care practices in the context of a crisis in biomedicine'.

When More Is Not Merrier: How Education Helps Overcome Social Inequality

When More Is Not Merrier: How Education Helps Overcome Social Inequality
‘The Tragedy of Inequality: Dehumanizing the “Total Human”’ was the dramatic title of a recent seminar held by the HSE Institute of Education. Inequality leads to marginalization of specific individuals and groups. The availability of high-quality education may help decrease the problem.

Building Bridges between Knowledge and Society and Making Policy More Effective

Building Bridges between Knowledge and Society and Making Policy More Effective
On December 4, the International Advisory Board of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge of HSE University met for its annual meeting. It was an anniversary event, as was the X Foresight Conference that preceded it. Largely thanks to the online format, the assembled board was the most representative of the field in its history. Experts from 20 international partner centres assessed ISSEK’s activities over the past year and proposed a wide range of topics for new research.

HSE University Hosts Roundtable Discussion on Anti-Corruption Education in BRICS Countries

HSE University Hosts Roundtable Discussion on Anti-Corruption Education in BRICS Countries
Representatives of governmental bodies and international organizations joined BRICS experts to discuss anti-corruption education at a roundtable that took place on December 1 as a videoconference. Representatives of HSE university participated in the event organization and the discussion itself.

The Perfect Coronavirus Storm: a Crisis with Hope for a Speedy Recovery

The Perfect Coronavirus Storm: a Crisis with Hope for a Speedy Recovery
How high is the risk of a full-blown financial crisis after the pandemic? Which countries and regions are most at risk? Are national governments managing to cope with the challenge of preventing economic collapse? Such topics were the focus of attention at the annual conference organised by the HSE University Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs.

Yaroslav Kuzminov: As Digital Reality Develops, We Face More and More Infringements upon Freedom

Yaroslav Kuzminov: As Digital Reality Develops, We Face More and More Infringements upon Freedom
Today, we need a coordinated agenda in order to understand how to develop a comfortable and safe technological environment and make the consequences of rapid technological development forecastable and manageable. This is what HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov said at the National Academic Online Conference ‘Ethical and Legal Issues of Digital Transformation: From Conflict to Harmony?’

Post-COVID-19 Future Scenarios to Be Discussed at Anniversary HSE Foresight Conference

Post-COVID-19 Future Scenarios to Be Discussed at Anniversary HSE Foresight Conference
From November 9 – 13, the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge is organizing its Tenth International Academic Conference ‘Foresight and STI Policy’. The conference has been acknowledged by OECD as one of the world’s most important forums of foresight researchers. It will the tenth time that the conference brings together Russian and international experts from the leading think tanks, research centres and universities, national ministries and government bodies, development institutes and high-tech companies from over 20 countries.

Online Education: The ‘New Normal’ and Its Pitfalls

Online Education: The ‘New Normal’ and Its Pitfalls
On the first day of the XI International Russian Higher Education Conference (RHEC), which was held online, representatives of universities and colleges discussed the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Russia’s education system.