Tag "discussions"

Smart Cities – Japanese Style

The HSE Institute of Regional Studies and Urban Planning held a panel discussion entitled ‘Developing Cities and Infrastructure’ as part of the Russian-Japanese forum ‘Points of Intersection: Business, Technology, Culture’ that took place in Moscow. The discussion focused on development opportunities in Moscow and the adoption of solutions to urban problems already applied in Tokyo.

'Russia May Open its Own Econometrics School'

On September 20, the three-day international conference ‘Modern Econometric Tools and Applications’ came to an end at HSE’s Nizhny Novgorod campus. The conference was organized by the Higher School of Economics and the New Economic School (NES). Academics from Canada, France, Great Britain, and other countries discussed cutting-edge research in the field of theoretical and applied econometrics, in particular stochastic economic processes.

Doing Business: Is Russia Still the Place to Be in?

Doing Business: Is Russia Still the Place to Be in?
On June 19 the Expert and Advisory Board of the International Institute of Administration and Business held its regular meeting. They discussed the results of cooperation in 2013, 2014. Companies gave a summary of the master classes, and company consultancy projects for students on the Master in European Business programme and also discussed student internships. Jean-Luc Pipon, Managing Director, Head of Legal Division at Sberbank CIB was at the meeting and gave an interview to the HSE News Service about doing business in Russia today.

The Research Team of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy Have Gathered at the HSE Perm

The Research Team of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy Have Gathered at the HSE Perm
Professors have arrived from three foreign universities. The director of the laboratory, Angel Barajas will be spending about a month in Perm, and curators Felix Iturriaga, Fernandez-Jardon Fernandez and Dennis Coates, about two weeks.

Your Chance to Pick the Brains of International Academic Journal Chief Editors at HSE Conference Session

On the 28th May at the ‘Analytical communities in policy advisory systems at global and local level: comparative analysis of policy impact’ international conference there will be a special ‘journals’ session. The editors of four major international journals on public policy will explain how they select articles for publication and give advice on how to present your work to improve the chances of getting it published in a good journal.

In pursuing research achievements, universities should not forget about their students

On May 15-17, the 2nd SERU Consortium (Student experience in the research university) conference took place at the HSE. It was devoted to problems concerning the educational milieu of contemporary research universities.

Alliance of 4 Plus the HSE

On October 10th HSE staff met with representatives of the Alliance of 4 Universities of Spain (A-4U): the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Madrid, Charles III University of Madrid and the Pompeu Fabra University. Boris Zhelezov, Deputy Vice Rector of the HSE, told us about the outcomes of the meeting.

University Spirit of Inequality

On March 15th a regular seminar of the HSE Institute for Educational Studies took place, dedicated to the problem of accessibility to education for children from various social groups around the world. Jamil Salmi, coordinator of the World Bank's network of tertiary education professionals, spoke on ‘Equality and the Human Capital Development: the Role of Higher Education’.

Does Culture Matter for Development?

On April 15th a round-table discussion entitled ‘Does Culture Matter for Development?' took place at the Higher School of Economics. Chandran Kukathas, Professor at the London School of Economics, opened the discussion with his report. You can watch a video of the event here.