Tag "HSE guests"
On September 10th the first after-summer seminar ‘Actual Research and Developments in Education’, took place as organized by the HSE Institute for Educational Studies. Sir Michael Barber, member of the HSE International Advisory Committee, spoke on ‘Oceans of Innovation: the Atlantic, the Pacific, Global Leadership and the Future of Education’.
On December 16th 2011, a roundtable discussion summarizing a cycle of open lectures by Kadri Jamil, Professor at the Institute for Socio-Economic Development Planning in Damascus, on the current political situation in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, took place at the HSE School of Asian Studies.
On the 18th of November, Professor Arnoud Boot from the University of Amsterdam gave a public lecture at the inaugaral ICEF International conference. Its title was ‘Banking at the Crossroads: How to deal with Marketability and Complexity?’
On November 17th, 2011, Richard Rose, Director of the Centre for the Study of Public Policy and 6th Century Chair in Politics (University of Aberdeen) gave a talk on 'Thinking Conceptually, Analyzing Empirically: The New Europe Barometer' at the HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) in Saint Petersburg.