Tag "IQ"

'Russians May Be Happier Than They Appear, but They Hide It'

'Russians May Be Happier Than They Appear, but They Hide It'
A comparative cross-cultural study conducted by the HSE International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation has found that Russians tend to be as open with their friends as Americans, but unlike Americans, Russians prefer to hide their happiness when talking to strangers or government officials. These findings were published in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology in the paper Russians Inhibit the Expression of Happiness to Strangers: Testing a Display Rule Model.

How to Attract Young People to Postgraduate Studies

How to Attract Young People to Postgraduate Studies
Traditionally, postgraduate studies have been considered a school of teaching and research and a step towards an academic career. Today, however, many postgraduate students see their future outside academia and plan a corporate career instead. According to Ivan Gruzdev and Evgeniy Terentev, only 56% of postgraduate students plan a career within the academic environment.

What Else Can Fingers Tell Us?

What Else Can Fingers Tell Us?
According to HSE researchers, men with a high 2D:4D ratio (i.e. those whose index finger is longer than their ring finger) tend to be better educated. These findings are presented in the paper «2D: 4D and lifetime educational outcomes: Evidence from the Russian RLMS survey» in Personality and Individual Differences.

Repeating Non-verbs as Well as Verbs Can Boost the Syntactic Priming Effect

Repeating Non-verbs as Well as Verbs Can Boost the Syntactic Priming Effect
According to Glasgow and HSE/Northumbria researchers, repetition of non-verbs as well as verbs can boost the effect of syntactic priming, i.e. the likelihood of people reproducing the structure of the utterance they have just heard.

European Attitudes to Immigrants

European Attitudes to Immigrants
Immigrants accounted for 6.8% of the European population in 1990 and had reached 10.3% by 2015. The growing number of 'outsiders' has caused a change of attitudes in the host country. While most Europeans are fairly tolerant, not everyone is prepared to 'share their turf' with ethnic minorities, according to Galina Monusova's study Public Attitudes towards Migrants in Europe.

Researchers Offer Novel Method for Calculating the Benefits of Renewable Energy

Researchers Offer Novel Method for Calculating the Benefits of Renewable Energy
Researchers from the Higher School of Economics (HSE) have developed a novel system for assessing the potential of renewable energy resources. This method can help to assess the future exploitable technical potential of wind and solar PV energy, as well as their capacity to replace exiting generation assets. Furthermore, it can forecast fossil fuel savings and facilitate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Their research has been published in journal Energy: “Wind and Solar PV Technical Potentials: Measurement Methodology and Assessments for Russia”.

Values Evolution: East Still to Catch Up with West

Values Evolution: East Still to Catch Up with West
Since World War II, people in many countries have enjoyed a better sense of wellbeing, which has resulted in survival values giving way to emancipation values. Threats no longer lurk at every turn, and each new generation sees more opportunities and fewer barriers to empowerment. The book Freedom Rising by LCCR Chief Research Fellow Christian Welzel offers some ideas on how widespread this process is, whether it is irreversible and where human emancipation can lead.

What Russians Tell Tourists about their Towns

What Russians Tell Tourists about their Towns
Residents of provincial Russian towns put it differently when talking about their towns to Muscovites, foreigners, and tourists from other Russian regions. Such an ‘individual approach’ is spontaneous and may be useful in creating city tourist brands, concluded Nadezhda Radina as a result of her experiment, which involved over 800 residents of Russian provinces.

Can Nicotine Help to Treat Schizophrenia?

Can Nicotine Help to Treat Schizophrenia?
Several studies have indicated that schizophrenic patients are likely to show high levels of nicotine dependence. Scientists from Higher School of Economics (HSE), Institut Pasteur, the CNRS, Inserm and the ENS employed a mouse model to elucidate how nicotine influences cells in the prefrontal cortex. They visualized how nicotine has a direct impact on the restoration of normal activity in nerve cells (neurons) involved in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. These findings were published in a paper that appeared in the journal Nature Medicine.

Leading Causes of Death in Moscow

Leading Causes of Death in Moscow
While mortality in Moscow is much lower than in other Russian regions, it does not compare favourably with death statistics observed in metropolitan areas of other countries, according to Evgeny Andreev, Ekaterina Kvasha and Tatiana Kharkova, Senior Research Fellow of the HSE Institute of Demography Centre for Demographic Studies.